My First Vocal recording... This is it people!!!


New member
ok i just purchased my equipment as posted earlier on this forum only that i added a Truth B2030P monitors and i added Kenwood VR-305 Amplifier

so i sat for 10 hrs yesterday trying to mix my first vocals..i'm using Reaper and the instrumentals i rapped over were mp3. here are the steps i followed
1- trippled the vocal tracks
2- panned 1 track to the left and 1 to the right (about 20% each) and the 3rd one i left unpanned
3- to the unpanned track i added delay and reverb effects. i just played around with it for a while to see that it sounded good in my ears

so at the end of it..when i hear the vocals and they sound sort of ok (atleast to my ears) but when i listen to it with the instrumental, it doesnt have that studio sound to it. it sounds like i just recorded on a pc and straight exported to mp3...please try to take a listen to the outputs below.....i will appreciate any advice to get that sound i am looking for...and ultimately improve my skills...also if u dont this a fair or terrible mix for a first timer??? :(

Vocal only

Vocal + Instrumental
There's a section here to post your stuff and get people's opinions. I don't know enough (or care enough) about this type of music to give you a good opinion - not sure what sound you are really looking for.
Post it in the Rap/Hiphop forum! (You'll probably get better responses from people who have mastered the genre you are attempting to get into.:D) I don't know why this guy even responded. (You did mention that it was rap!:confused:) But if you're new in hiphop production, you'll get plenty of help there. Just introduce youself, listen to other people stuff, leave feedback, accept constructive criticism, and LEARN...........

Yo Neff:

Music and vocal could use some "punch." Kind of soft. Needs to kick ass a little bit more.

The Hip/Hop setting on my AW1600 would give you the boost you need; as well, any other AW1600.

Ciao and keep recording.

Green Hornet:cool:
Yo Neff:

Music and vocal could use some "punch." Kind of soft. Needs to kick ass a little bit more.

The Hip/Hop setting on my AW1600 would give you the boost you need; as well, any other AW1600.

Ciao and keep recording.

Green Hornet:cool:

How do you like that 1600?
Yo Trump:

I was using a Yam 2816 and one of the "buttons" kind of broke through the plastic overlay or underlay. Since I was familiar with the Yam platform, I ordered the 1600.

It used to take me over an hour to burn a full CD from the HD with the 2816.

With the AW1600, I can burn a full CD in about 9 minutes. Technology is amazing.

There are mastering algorithms in the AW1600; there are NO mastering algorithms in the 2816--a big improvement.

The 1600 will record 100 songs in the stereo track/ready for CD burning. Then, you have to download/copy or delete some songs in order to keep going. No big problem.

Sound quality is very good considering the price of the unit. Back up support via the Dijon site which is dedicated to the AW1600 is really good. A great bunch of talent there ALL willing to help with any problema.

It's not a difficult unit to learn to navigate; however, it was easier for me because of my experience on the 2816.

Hope this gives you the info you wanted.

Cheers and Ciao,
Green Hornet:cool: