My first try (hardcore/punk).

Chris Fallen

New member

Okay. Here are the stats:

Recorded through M12 pres direct out to delta 1010 onto Cool Edit Pro. Mixed on Alesis M1 actives. Drums had two ohs and snare and kick. Bass was DI with some new DI box (don't even remember the name). Guitar has four tracks, one copied and panned to 10 and 2, and then a second track recorded with close miced 57 and room miced (about 6 feet back) with v67 and panned hard left and right. Vox were compressed using a RNC, and were throught the v67. Backing vox through the v67, too.

Anything else, ask.

I had a bitch of a time mixing the vox in because I had to burn it to a cd and then run to my car to listen to the levels. I went through about 10 cds because the rewritable one I bought for just this event wouldn't play in my car cd player. BALLS.

Anyway, tell me what you think.
First off....excellent vox!!!!You need to be doing black metal,you've got the perfect voice.Drum sound is awful.The hats sound ok but the kick and snare are dead.I can't comment cuz your vox is killer and it's fucking me metal,do it,NOW!!!Forget the punk scene ,it's kinda dead anyway,unless you want to go way underground.Melodic hardcore this is not.The only thing that makes it remotely HC is the vox.Some interesting guitar licks and the overall sound is very garage-y.Killer vox!I really like them,but it don't work for me with the music.Here's a list of some great black metal acts(Which I'm sure will be contributed to):

Lord Belial
Grand Belial's Key
Carpathian Forest
Dark Funeral
Impaled Nazerine
Throne of Ahaz
Beastial Warlust
At The Gates
Rotting Christ
Black Dawn
Abbadon Incarnate

...ok gonna stop now,sorry.:D
The asswipe who posted ahead of me seems to have a better handle on this mix than I you should listen to him.

I'm just stopping by to say that the vocal sounded like you really put your heart and soul and possibly a bit of your liver into it. That canNOT be easy to do, lol.
W.I.S.C. is right, this is a true black metal voice. But the recording sounds as bad as a Dark Throne demo ;)

(btw W.I.S.C., of your list I only know (and like) Emporor (great stuff), Dark Funeral, Impaled Nazerine (hilarious band), Mayhem, Marduk, Immortal, Enslaved, Satyricon & At The Gates (I love the last one)...but I know enough to recognize this as a black metal voice)
I have yet to hear good/bad points of the song. I know the snare sounds like crap, the snare NOT recorded sounds like crap, but what can ya do. I'm suprised that you said (up there) that the cymbols sound good, haha, because one has been so destroyed that it looks like a 5' splash cymbol and the other one has a chunk about the size of a fist out of it.

Comment comment comment.

(By the by, I'm not the singer, but I do LOVE Blind Guardian and Iron Maiden.)
I just wanted to recommend that you grab the LAME mp3 encoder ( ). It's hard to comment here - every time a cymbal hits all I can hear are mp3 artifacts :)

I'm diggin the song, if you could post a 160 or 192 version or the song, it would be easier on the ears :)

Last bump. Just wanting some basic feedback about the mix. Everything good levelwise, etc, as well as vocal feedback. Those were the hardest to get in there and balance. Thanks to anybody that has commented (and anybody else that plans on it).
OK, I feel obliged to finally say something serious and nice about the mix. :)

It doesn't sound bad at all (I was just kiddin', sorry about that). Especially for a first try. I wouldn't do it any better, at least. Levels are pretty good. The snare sound is too big, in my opinion. The bass is a little bit trebly, in my opinion: it clashes with the drums. I do like the screaming choruses, they're mixed well. I personally would like to hear the lead vocals a bit louder.

Anyway, not an experienced listener in hardcore music...but it sounds pretty much like what I expected.

Sorry for my first comment, Chris Fallen...this is what I should have said the first time.
Hey, thanks for giving it another go and letting me know a little more about what you thought.

Anybody else (sonusman, blue bear)? Eh? Eh?