My first song


New member
G'day everyone,
I have just got interested in music again after some 10+ years away from it.I bought Cake walk 2002 to have a little fun.Bear with me,I cant sing a note & I am a bass player,so my guitar playing is a little average..eer below average that is.I got no fancy equipment,like I said just want to have a little fun.I have written quite a few songs,so heres 2 of my first...sorry for the sound quality,but I am learnin this computer stuff & I am an ol fart..LOL
Take care everyone...James
Not bad for an ol fart!:D
(From one ol fart to another.)

Nice guitar playing James.
Sounds like the drums need some work,mabey try lowering them some,especially the snare.
The kick is very clicky also.

Welcome back,good luck!

Best to you,
Welcome James,

I'm listening to 'Fly', my first impressions are not bad at all especially if your just learning how to use a load of new gear. The song is good personally I'm not too keen on your selection of drum sounds particularly with that guitar 'chug', a bit too early 80s Psycadelic Furs / Pretty in Pink film backing track for my taste. Other than that I like it. Your voice actually works well for the tune.
Now I'm listening to Air Man. This is more appealing to me atmospheric without being dull, the bass pulse keeps a reference for everything to work around. IMO this would be improved by building upon the rhythmic pulse, build some drums around in a sort of drum and bass way to a crescendo, generally I think there is room to expand upon the dynamics. The foundation is solid and there's lot of space to work in detail and ideas. Overall (ol' fart or not) pretty damn good, I look forward to your next post
I'm not sure what you want comments on, but I listened to both tunes.. They are decent songs, but there is some recording problems.. some distorted areas, low vocals, minor pitch issues, plosives, and levels that are off..

Sounds like your off to a good start though because the songs are decent, and that's the first thing that has to be there imhop.. Not bad at all..

Welcome to the clinic! :)
From one old fart to another, please, no farting (pay no heed to my farting avitar).:D
Not bad over all. I hear a few problems. Some wind blasts on the vocal mic in a few spots. A pop filter of some description is in order. Personally, I always use one when doing vocals. YMMV.
The guitar is to far out in space. Maybe dry it up a little to bring it forward.

air man, everything sound's good to me , except the bass line is clipping all over the place. it was really distracting me from hearing everything else. but bring the level's down on that , and all should be good in the hood! ( i really want to hear it redone!!)


fly, again nice tune. but way to much kick(over powering) and the vocals were way to far back. maybe if you brought down the kick , the vocals would come through better??

but what do i know, im struggling too!!

welcome mate!

cant wait to hear more stuff from ya!!


Hey Bro!

I'm listened to "Fly" and it has a nice feel to it.

I have a feeling that if I were to download itand put on my PowerTracks 8, the thing would be clipping terribly and would also be full of square waves. (Digital Distortion) You Don't Allow Digital to clip (go past zero) on your VU meters and square waves can creep in from just too much volume, period, whether it is clipping or not. We learned this the hard way.

You have come to the right place to learn though and we are new to the Home Recording stuff, too. We have learned alot from the guys here. Our Demo didn't come out too bad thanks to being able to institute many of the suggestions from these guys. Our next effort won't be on our analog Machine, but on a puter I am building.

Airman is a much better recording and you are learning for sure.
Pay attention to what these dudes suggest. It's a win/win thing man!



Cross Omega Tunes:
Hey Everyone,
Thanks for the feedback,I appreciate it.
If you are interested I am posting a few
more songs in the next few weeks.
I know I will never get killer recording quality
with the basic gear I got,but to me its all about
the music & songs.Having said that I am sure that
with your advice the recordings will improve...ALOT.
I look forward to hearing more of everyones music.
Again,thanks everyone...Take care,James
Listened to Fly...

Decent song. Gave me an '80s feel.

The synth in the intro got pretty loud, pretty quick. I thought I was going to have to pop off my headphones or go deaf.

The drums had a cool sound, but they're a bit loud.

Your vocals are swimming in reverb. Perhaps your wet/dry mix is a bit too wet? I heard a pitch issue or two.

I heard a little skip at about 2:09.

I liked the flanger sound on that one guit, but it's a bit strong. Maybe applied a little heavily.

Good effort...