My first song with vocals...


New member
Well, I just tracked my first song with vocals. Like most of my songs and others on I just do instrumentals, but got tired and wanted a "real" song.

Take a listen, and tell me if I suck. BTW, its a bit DefToney..
SirBroch, that was pretty cool, man. There are a couple of things though; I think your vox could come up a little in the mix... I think you might be intentionally meshing it down in the mix for effect, but I think it should come up a tad. Also, the tom-toms in the drum track(s) seems out of place (that might just be me - I'm critical of tom sounds...) and the only other thing I can think of is some of the crash symbols seem to have a really fast decay and it sounds unnatural, but if you were trying to do that, then cool. What are you using for your drum sounds? Nice composition.
Vox needs to come way up. Remove the majority of the are unintelligible.

Dead center the panning on the voice to fix the listeners ear...

Special effects vox can keep all the effects and panning, but they need to come up in volume.

My opinion only, :)
Nice crunch rocker.
Thanks for the comments. Its hard for me to put vocals in since I really for one can't sing and the environment I record in, I whisper more than anything.

But for me, I like vocals in a song since it rounds it out, and I get very tired of instrumentals.

I originally had the vocals dead center, then replayed, and got the chills.. so i set it to the left, almost so no one would notice!, lol.
Oh, teddie, BTW, the drums are from Fruity Loops with lots of verb. The decay of the cyms are just me being lazy, I should have put the drums on two tracks so I could let the cyms ring out.

And those toms in retrospect are def anoying, but I made the drum track first with headphones, which made them sound way better than I thought.

[This message has been edited by SirBroch (edited 06-27-2000).]
Teddie and Ric nailed it with the vocal and drums suggestions....but the song was cool...gibs
SirBroch, hey, you know, I could actually hear the vox in that song enough to hear that your voice ain't that bad, bro. You should do a project song where you know you'll be doing vocals in it and really try to make it shine. I think you'll do good... But do it when you're not going to bother anyone due to your living arrangment and just go nutty-wild. I always ask the wife to take the kids to my father-in-law's house so I can have some "Sing Time" if I need to lay down some vox...

I don't know what your living situation is and why you can only whisper your vox, but my suggestion is, really, kick everyone outta your house and warn your neighbors :)