My first recording - what do you think?

I utterly abhor and otherwise despise that style of music. :D Having said that, I think it's pretty darn good for a first recording. The levels seem well balanced to me. Good clear sound. By George, I think you've got it! Pretty good job. Now, do you really have to do all that screamin'? Just kidding. I'm old. Pay no attention to me.
nice, a kind of 'Korn-mix'.
I don't like the drums, they have to much highs, and this song needs a lot of low tones, also from the bass which is quite far away in the mix.
How did you record it all?
by the way

You can increase the amplitude of the whole song with 4 db before it clips. This is for demos and all a very good idea, because it will 'blast' out of the speakers of recesents or labels, compared with the previous cd's they heard... just a tip.
Thanks for the kind words, I was expecting flames.

I recorded everything on a roland vs-1824..

I did a little mastering on my computer with soundforge but nothing spectacular.

I was going to raise the levels but it was already clipping according to soundforge so.. I dunno..

You really thing the drums have too much high end? I wanted that "tacka tacka" sound when I hit them. The bass is more in the mix then you think, if I dropped it out that song wouldn't have much bottom end at all. One guitar is higher the other is a bit lower but for some reason my recordings come out real "bassy" so I always drop the lows of alot of stuff.

Thanks again for the comments.
hmmm, sounds NOT really bassy fact i think it needs a lot! ha.

we'll see what kind of a "mastering" job i can do..haha. (on your mixeing/mastering thread)...

This needs to shed a few pounds before its "Heavy"

A real nice recording for a first effort! (Seriously)

On a not so serious note I feel like I have just been bitched at after listening to this! ;) (a joke my man!)

Nice recording!

I feel raped and violated after listening to that....just kidding man.LOL.Not a bad is lacking a LOT in Low end.It's almost non existent on my speakers.Good seperation on things,the levels are good and the panning is good.

Not bad.....just needs some low end.
The bass guitar is lost in there somewhere. The entire bottom end is lacking balls but the frequencies appear to be there, maybe bring the bass up a tad...

The vocals are slightly too loud (never thought I'd say that about a hardcore tune! :p ). The guitars have pretty cool tone. The snare is a little low/soft, crashes washed and a little low in the mix.

The thing you did right was capture all the frequencies correctly, now just need some mixing and tweaking, then some final normalizing to squeeze those decibals from the digital format.
alright, i got my "master" from your wave, i can email it to you if you want (a 1.6MB 10sec. clip)....

basically all i did was add a low end, and get rid of that insane high end, ha.

but yeah - i am wondering how in the world you got such a "no low end"....i think you need some new monitors maybe! ...

well let me know your email, or send me an email at - and i'll send it to you, see what you think, post it on that website.
dont hate me for this, but, I cant stand this kinda stuff.
OK I got that out of the way, now putting that aside for a sec I could definately hear this getting played by the kids. I think it is a good clean recording, the axes are heavy. I do agree that there needs to be more bottom end to push it over the top. Dang my throat hurts just hearing that screaming....I remember when metal WAS Rob Halford...what a range he had...oh well