My first recording and with bad equipment


New member
Fun little alt. punk song
I recorded my drummer first. Then the rest is me. Wost drumset and guitar ever. The lo-fi version sounds like crap but the hi-fi and mp3 sounds ok. I hard panned two guitars so the lo-fi just puts them both in the center and it sounds really bad.


cheap Behringer eurorack mixer
3 sure sm58's
line 6 spider 2 head
behringer 4x12 cab
crappy karrera les paul copy from ebay $120
dell laptop with factory soundcard not even soundblaster
cubase vst32
enforcer drum set $200 bass head riped all the way we just duct taped it back and the cybols used to turn inside out. replaced with some zilgians still crappy heads though
I like the sound. Some timing problems here and there. A bass would be great. Maybe not pan the two guitars totally left/right. Put them slightly more to the centre. Not much though.
Too much muddy thuddy.

Flapping my cheap speakers.

The vocal is funny bad...good thing it's pretty quiet.

Sounds like you wanted the mix to thump and that's fine but the thing is if everything does that you have a frequency problem.

The playing is well....nevermind.
astric69 said:
Fun little alt. punk song
I recorded my drummer first. Then the rest is me. Wost drumset and guitar ever. The lo-fi version sounds like crap but the hi-fi and mp3 sounds ok. I hard panned two guitars so the lo-fi just puts them both in the center and it sounds really bad.


cheap Behringer eurorack mixer
3 sure sm58's
line 6 spider 2 head
behringer 4x12 cab
crappy karrera les paul copy from ebay $120
dell laptop with factory soundcard not even soundblaster
cubase vst32
enforcer drum set $200 bass head riped all the way we just duct taped it back and the cybols used to turn inside out. replaced with some zilgians still crappy heads though

What was the point?
Hey Travis

Welcome to the mixing clinic.

The song is okay as a first attempt...
I don't think that even a great mix would fix it... so my advice would be just to get recording your next song... practice makes perfect!... maybe you could come back to this one once you are more experienced...

how do i say this??

the only thing i would change is the guitars need more ass

it's very close to haveing that shitty punk sound that i'm a sucker for
the lyric is cheese but for the recording
i like it
well thanks for listening at least lol. Sorry I didn't write a song in a different style that would make everyone happy. I will record some other songs that aren't just the same 3 chords the entire song lol. My goal was to make something catchy simple enough to play live with a two piece band. The bass drum head is pretty much all duct tape lol
I like it. There are definitely mixing issues, but it grooves a lot more than a lot of stuff i've heard. Even with it's flaws I like it. I enjoy a good song with some production problems more than a shitty song with flawless recording.
well thanks anyway, i'll have to write more songs to actually record them though lol..... right now im so sick i cant even talk at all it sucks