My first recording and mix

Not bad at all for a first timer. Is this an original of yours or is this a cover of someone else's song?

I don't speak a word of Spanish but the flow of the lyrics is nice. There are a few pitchy parts in the vocals but otherwise they're very good. There's a bit of the room coming through on the vocals as well, you might look into some room treatment to kill some of those room reflections. You could back off of the compression just a bit on the vocal as well.

Overall though, nice job. This is miles ahead of any of my first recordings.
Hi, everyone,

I want to share my first mix:First mix done by me any comments are welcome

Suggestions, comments, really, anything is welcome.

Thanks in advance

If this is indeed your first mix you must be pretty thrilled. My first "mix" was on a cassette 4-tracker, and I thought THAT sounded reasonable with all of its dbx wheezing and all. This recording is much cleaner than all of that, so in that sense it's clear. And the song is definitely interesting, a sort of unpretentious form of pop not afraid to show a little drama, and the lyrics in another language actually help me like I suppose. I'd rather it be a mystery
Congratulations on entering the world of home mixing! Starting out with an easy guitars + voice song. Sounds like you have panned everything to the center - is this actually 3 separate tracks (rhythm guitar, lead guitar and vocal)?
The vocal is a little loud in the mix at times, a little automation would tame that, and the lead guitar was a little low in the mix. I assume the guitar is a nylon string played with thumb strumming, as it lacks a little high end.
Your recording was nice.
I do not know what you were saying but I feel flirted with. :laughings: You have a comfortable voice.

The whole song sounded a bit "small". You could experiment with wider stereo spreads or a few guitar licks left and right.
Hi, Mjbphotos,

Indeed, it is a 3 separate track mix as you said. I had some struggle because the vocal track did not show anything on its track, just a simple plain track, due to a very low volume when recording it. But I did what I could. I will be working tons to do everything better next time.

Thank you
Hi, Schwarzenyaeger,

I´m gonna continue working hard to get better mixes. I would follow your advice concerning wider stereo spreads

Thank you
Yes sounds like a bit too much room in the microphone (or wrong reverb?) and the vocals are too loud for me. Good clarity so the capture is good it just needs a little panning and automation. What software/plugins are you using?