My first recorded song (metal)

Sounds nice I'd say.
What did you use for the guitar?
What amps? What eq/effects?
Allthough bad quality I really like the sound of the guitars.

You can upload MP3's there in a bit higher quality.
Very original tune, well played and well mixed. I would like a bit more bottom end on everything just to give it some oomph. Nice one... :D
thanks to Funky_A n ido1957. sorry i'm not around for a while. ok.
guitar track was recorded directly from guitar > effect pedals > behringer di box > sound card. as u can see, no amp was involved in this recording. i used amplitube for amp modelling. like u said ido1957, it is lack of bottom. can u suggest me what to to make it sounds better? i'm pretty new in home recording. i taught myself by heart in home recording just like my guitar playing. no formal education :o . could any teach me on EQing, mixing, n mastering, please? ur helps will be very helpful to me. thanks all..
I like the song, some of the guitar riffs are pretty sick. As for finding tips, just search the site or search on google.