My first proper mix. Advice please?


New member

after a little more help from anyone kind enough to help out. It's a track of my band's that i've recorded. It's also the first thing i've recorded that hasn't been three mics in the band room. Gladly take any suggestions and comments on the mix. I think the electric guitar is a touch out synch in one the chorus', i may have fixed it before this version though. I'm not quite sure. Thank you kindly.

heres what i got .......take it with a grain of salt though as i'm not the most expeirenced in this game....

come up on the bass and kick just a hair and bring the piano out front abit more.

all i'm hearing in the mix is E guitar and the A guitar.

and the drums had a recorded live in a bar sound to them,not really sure how to rectify any of these things from a well spoken studio piont of veiw, but i'm hopin you have an interpitor(orhoweveryouspellthat).

so like i said up top. salt:)

i hope you can use this feedback. and i really dug the tune musically speaking.

I'll give it another listen after i get some sleep and see if i can clear up what i'm trying to relay.(been up way to long tonight, or morning rather :rolleyes: )

also.....I'm sure(oh, hey would you look at that...i capt. an i)one of the pros will get they're hands on this soon...

good tune!
The vocal isn't quite centred.
The bass needs definition (erm - a 3 - 5dB boost at 3kHz will give it some).
The piano needs a boost generally & a more central panning for it too.
The drums aren't too bad. If you can boost the bass drum & put some snap on the snare - a hi boost maybe - & pan the cymbals fairly hard to either side to give the drums a stereo image.
The b/vocal is odd is it just called out & bled or sep.? I'd either work on that (add a couple of more voices so that it sounds intentional) or edit it out.
A good song, lively playing too.
I'd put some compression on the acoustic & the bass to make 'em punchier. maybe the piano too.
the sound is a little thin maybe a smidge of mid across the stereo mix OR a bit of subtle reverb.
There's a Boz Scaggs touch to the vocal & delivery - though too lively for him.
Does need a stinging solo from the piano or guitar.
The growl/wail build effect on the guitar is cool but too subtle in the breakdown.
Nice work, an unusual genre for Qld rock... I look forward to hearing the mix develop.
thanks for the help guys. i'll be redoing the song early in the new year hopefully with a little more experience mixing under my belt. cheers again.
haha sorry. Ill be completely rerecording that one and a few more for an EP early next year, maybe even december. These were a quick run for demoes in the meantime. I think that one sounding a little better and another song are up for downlaod our website at if you want to hear more... thanks again