My first post...

lost studios

New member
Hello all.
I am a regular over at It's amazing that I never knew there was a forum over here! I'm excited to join the community.

Hi Lost.

I'm afraid this is pretty insincere greeting, as I'm merely trying to pad my post count in order to get to the big 3,000 mark.

I'm glad you're glad you're here. And I hope other people are glad, because being glad is a good thing. If you feel like talking, give me a ring. Ta ta.
welcome! :)

how'bout sharing with us what you got and what you've been doing? :) (on recording, of course... ;) )

see ya around.....
I'm more a lurker than a poster. Been hanging around here for a bit over a year. No doubt, there's a lot of good info to be had here for sure... but buyer beware, there's a bit of chaf too.
welcome man, If I give you shit, and am rude and discourtious.. dont take it personally, thats just me.

Theres more information in here that I could possibly read in a lifetime. (well it seems that way at least)
Congratulations on your first post, Jay.

This is my last post before my next one. :D

Jay also