My First Mix (uh-oh)


New member
If you have the time please download this tune and give it a listen. I think it's pretty decent considering the equipment used. I'm looking more for comments on the recording.mixing than the actual musicianship :)
Thanks, I know you guys can offer some great advice.
Great lyrics, great voice. Related to Bono?

Ok, the biggest gripe I got is the distorted vocals, because it makes the vocals hard to understand. Turn your gain down, and maybe turn down the mix in your headphones (sounds like you set the level and then had to hear yourself once the tracks kicked in). See if you can get that sound you have on the very first line ("i think i'm ready"). It's PERFECT.

Did you EQ the bass? I'm betting you did... try that bass line without any EQ on it, then go back after you've heard the mix and play with it (sounds like you turned down anything over 200 Hz). It's WAAAY too "boomy," especially without the punch of the kick there...

Lead guitar needs a retake. Find where it's appropriate... when you track, you'll prolly be standing there for awhile, twiddling your thumbs... all lead guitar tracks are like this. Know what you're gonna play beforehand (it sounds like a jam right now). The bass carries this song (IMHO), and I think the constant guitar gets in the way of this great drum/bass drive...

Mic your kick drum. You can get into EQ preferences later, but you need that punch. I love the sound of the drums by themselves; that kick punch helps when the whole mix is sounding off...

Bring your vocals down a bit, they've very forward (prolly enhanced by the distortion).

Gripe gripe gripe... I liked the song for the drums and first vocal line. You can tell the bass has a great line to it, but the boominess keeps the technique masked. Gripe gripe gripe... :D

And you ARE blessed with the voice, it just needs some practice (and some HEADROOM).
Hey Kelly. Thanks a whole lot for your reply - helpful, insightful and accurate as usual :)
The kick was mic'd with an SM57 and I had some trouble gettting a good, consistent level out of it. Next time we try a bit of recording I will investiage hiring a Beta52 or D112. Do you think that will make a big enough difference?
Also, as ashamed as I am to say it, I don't own a compressor (yet). That will help excuse the inconsistent vocal sound!
Oh and thanks for the compliments too. Though, the gripes are, of course, more useful ;)
I'd have to agree with Kelly on all points.
I'm curious about your guitar chain (I am always curious about guitar sounds). What were you using from guitar to track? If you re-take it, you might try fattening it up a little to fill in the voids. And a little verb on it wouldn't make it chop so much.

I bet your voice would sound really cool with a better mic and a little compression.

Good song!

H2H, thanks for your comments.
The guitar chain was as follows: Guitar (Fender standard start) > some DOD multi FX board > Fender 50w amp > Beta57 > Mackie Board > Hard disk. I know we should be able to get some great sounds out of that but it was our first proper attempt at recording. I'll keep all points made in mind for next time.
Thanks again.
The best parts of the song are the beginning....I love the snare tone (but it might be too tinty for some). The kick needs to be prominent. Bass needs some mids and some high end (just repeating what's been said). The guitar is too prominent, and whoever's playing has to be more confident. The notes hit are almost saying "should I be hitting this?". What kind of mic were you using on the overhead? There are way too many sibilants coming through on the cymbal crashes. I dig the vocals alot. You do have that mysterious bono thing going. At around 3:05, I think I'm hearing digital peaking (distortion) that shouldn't be there. A general remix without so much EQ would help a lot.

Peace, Love, and Chicken,