My first mix - Classical recording

Jeff Taylor

New member
Hey this is my first mix. I'm playing clarinet and my gf is playing a Casio Privia PX-150 midi-piano.

We are playing Apres un Reve by Gabriel Faure

I would appreciate any mixing critiques for a classical recording in a small home studio.

Here's the signal flow:

Midi piano > Kontakt > Galaxy Steinway > UAD Ocean Way Re-Mic plugin > Logic Pro X
Clarinet > (1) MXL V77 tube condensor LD mic > UAD Apollo Twin > UAD UA 610-B preamp > UAD Studer A800 plugin > Logic Pro X

Master mix UAD Ampex ATR-102 plugin > UAD EMT 140 plugin

Bounced track:

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thanks the link works now, just had a proper listen and it's really great! superb performance with a lot of emotion behind it, I am very impressed with the sound you get from your setup. Love the dynamic range and it has a nice sense of depth as well, great job jeff!

Starts out very nice. The piano stays back nicely and fills out the low end, letting the clarinet take the spotlight. You've kept it very dynamic and natural, which is to be appreciated in classical music.

I think that it's fine. I'd maybe try lifting the piano up 1 dB just out of curiosity.