My first guitar...


Wow, I had the urge to see if I could find any info on my first guitar, and lo and behold, I found a picture of _exactly_ what it was.
A 1966 Harmony H-79 12-String, bought out of a gas station window in Havelock, Ontario, Canada, in 1974 for $75.00. I was 11 going on 12. My uncle gave it to me.
Boy I miss that thing. Truss rod was shot, couldn't play much above the 5th fret, but it sure sounded good to me.:D
(I thought I was George Harrison... :rolleyes: )

Have a look (picture should say H-79):


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I could put up a pic of my first, an acoustic "stellar star" but the ashes blew away.
My parents bought me a electric guitar by Donald Trump Enterprises simply called a TRUMP. They found it at a yard sale for $2 and I sold it a year or so later to a friends brother for $25. I had just gotten a Epi PR7 and needed the Tab to Unplugged in NewYork. Was a good idea when I did it. I found one on Ebay for $10 a while a go but forgot to bid.
Ibanez DT 350
Iwas cool and my hair line was at my forhead.

Idid have a nylon string acoustic before this and it got burnt in a tragic though enlightening burning.


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Hey bully, my current Ibanez bass guitar has the same general body shape (but it's evil heavy-metal black)!! :)

My first guitar was a Harmony six-string 3/4-size acoustic I bought through the JCPenney catalog. I still have it. You can use nylon strings or metal strings, cheapos or good ones, and the thing will always sound like poop. Getting used to the absurdly high action, though, made it really easy to play better guitars.

My second guitar, also my first electric, was a 3/4-size Cort with two single-coil pickups (hum, noise and feedback units, I should say....). Cost me $20 used. High action, crooked neck (repaired with a folded piece of paper, of all things), now pretty bowed and warped. Black with lots of stickers (from Misfits to Fear Factory). I used it on the first song I ever got pro-duped (a track on an underground compilation). I still have it. The wiring is totally shot, but it's a decorative piece now anyway.
esactun said:
Hey bully, my current Ibanez bass guitar has the same general body shape (but it's evil heavy-metal black)!! :)

My first guitar was a Harmony six-string 3/4-size acoustic I bought through the JCPenney catalog.

I still have my first. A Harmony arch top F hole guitar. Alas, no longer playable (like it ever was).
mine was an Ayar single pickup and a 007 amp. After I broke those little wiry strings on it, it became my first bass. :)
They make everything, like Honda and Yamaha

Hyundai. Yes, Hyundai. I still have it and use it when I need something awful sounding.
Yeah, my first was a $35 classical I bought at Manny's in Manhattan in 1970. Shit, I can't even remember what happened to it. The aging process really sucks.-Richie
...I got my first acoustic on 4th grade. Classic style. It's right there, hung on the wall by now. Make no sound anymore but noises. I break the neck back in highschool, so it's nothing but interior decorative. My fisrt electric was purchased the day I went highschool (my brother celebrated me to finally decided to go school). It was Black Axe HM12(cheap and absolutely not famous). But it still rocks me thru today. I replaced the original (suck) pick up wih DiMarzio, and put on Seymour Duncan after few months... First guitar is kinda first love... You don't wanna loose her... No matter how bad... ;)
I got my first in 1980. An Atlas T-470 12 string acoustic. I still have it and play it rather frequently. Although it was a stock, albeit solid and sound acoustic 12 string, I have added bone for the bridge and nut, and installed a pre-amp and under the saddle pickup. And let me add that one sweats bullets when taking a dremel to the body of a long time loyal and devoted guitar like this. Once the first gnawing drone of the wheel buzzes and the smoke begins to rise like a swell from hell itself... you know you are commited to the project.
My first was a peavey T-15 (circa 1981-2):

I loved it at first, but in retrospect it was a terrible guitar. For the first couple years I played I thought the reason I couldn't play barre chords was the fact that I sucked. However, beyond the fact that I did suck a little, the neck was so crooked that it was really hard to play!

I started to love guitar playing a lot more when I traded it in for a Charvel model 6.
teknomike said:

A 1966 Harmony H-79 12-String, bought out of a gas station window in Havelock, Ontario, Canada, in 1974 for $75.00. I was 11 going on 12. My uncle gave it to me.

Wow teknomike, Havelock, ON? I've been there. That is real small town ONT. 3M had a roofing granule plant outside Havelock. Its closed now though.

That looks like a pretty cool axe for a starter, especially being a 12 string. You must have developed strong chops early.

I cant even remember what brand my first was (4 letters starting with L?). It was a bad Tele copy. The body was much thinner than a regular Tele, and it was like $120 in the window of the tiny music store in Elmira, ONT circa ~1983. It served me well for a year or so while I learned. I upgraded to a Washburn Strat style guitar that I bought when making a special visit to the big city...Long and McQuade... in Toronto.