My first go at Reaper


New member
So this is what iv come up with. I'd really appreciate your mixing tips as I haven't yet watched any tutorials or read up on it that much. Don't be too harsh on the noob :D


  • untitled1234.mp3
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The rythem guitar is out of tune bro. does Reaper have a tuner plug-in? Has your guitar been properly intonated? Start there. The recordings sound OK, but u gotta get your intonation goin first.
Im new but personally I would use a low shelf filter to take some of the low end out of the rhythm guitar as it seems a little muddy. But thats just to my newbie ears.
True it is a bit muddy but it's definitley in tune now :D
The mix is kinda blah cause it's just two things going on (from what I can hear). I'd be more"interested" if you had a couple (or more) of rhythm tracks panned a bit l/r with the lead up the centre. Drums / Vocals wouldn't hurt either.
The recording is okay, now you have the basics down it's time to spice it up a bit.