My first drum kit ever -- how did i do?


New member
I've been a guitar player for 15 years, I've played in more bands
i can think of right now... but while i can play drums kind of ok.
i've never owned my own drum kit before! in all those years!
I saw this one on ebay, and although i know nothing about drums,
i figured i'd throw a bid out.. I won!

Now, I'm wondering. Did i do well? did i overpay? any thoughts?
please anyone w/ knowledge in this dept -- greatly appreciate the help.
The year of the drums weren't listed, but I believe them to be circa late
60's to early 70's.. as per google search. blue sparkle kits.
Also, appreciate any recommendations for snare. cymbals, hardware, misc.?


I'd say that's a pretty good deal. Not sure what kind of sound you're going for, but I've loved every Ludwig set I've ever heard or played.
something kind of indie or jazz cocktail set..
kinda minimal -- such as not a huge set..
snappy.. percussive but not like super heavy/ringy
Hmm, missing the bottom hoops for the toms, missing a leg for the kick. If you decide you want bottom heads on those toms you're gonna have to do some searching. The missing kick leg might be a pain, too. I wouldn't have paid that much, myself.