My First Accoustic Mix

crzywvguy said:
Let me know what you all think about this.....I know it sucks but I just need some tips on what to do.
Song is My First Groove


What did you mean by acoustic mix? Everything seems to sound a bit processed, especially the guitar. I think the bass sound is actually pretty good. A bit loud at times, but the tone works for me ok. Have you ever tried working with acid or any other PC based drum progams. Might help you get a little more feel there. I use ACID and have been pretty happy with the results. Personally, I was having problems getting a realistic feel out of a drum machine.

You were just asking for advice from a mixing standpoint, correct?

Thanks for posting up.

Hey im sorry....i posted the wrong that was my first one i made with 8 track recorder....sorry, i will post the correct file.
crzywvguy said:
Hey im sorry....i posted the wrong that was my first one i made with 8 track recorder....sorry, i will post the correct file.

Phew.... =) No worries.

Ok, Now I know why you said acoustic. That made a little more sense. It does have a very live feel to it which I like, but seems to be very thin and does not have to much range (Lows Mids). Also, the dynamics are such that the solo guitar gets lost at times. I noticed as I streamed the "High-Fi" that it was only ripped at 64 kbs. You are likely going to see a slight drop in quality using that low a rate. I would shoot for at least 128 kbs. That might help if for some reason, you feel there was something lost in translation.

Thanks for correcting the link, and for the listen.


That sounded pretty cool. Some cool melodies and rythyms going on there.

I would agree that it sounds very live. And at some points it sounded as if it had been recorded in some sort of empty church or something.

I would pull back on any reverb you have on (if there is any)

Sounds good otherwise.

sound like their canned at the the center. :D Pan a little bit like rythm on 30% left, solo on 30% right :D, tame down your reverb.
Thanks for the comments.....I actually recorded that with my acoustic guitar and my computer mic...yup...nothing but the standard computer mic and windows sound recorder. I added the reverb later..but that is all the effects used.