My Digitech RP300... R.I.P.?

I had a hankerin' to play me some electric guitar, so I plugged into my old RP300 (the only effect pedal I have). I used it 5 days ago, and it worked great. Yesterday and today, well...

It powers up and everything, but there is no sound at all. I switched it to tuner mode and it didn't seem to be receiving an input signal at all.

I get it, things get old. This particular device is probably about 10 years old or so. I bought it used back in 2003 or early 2004. It only cost me about $50, and it's served me quite nicely in the several years since.

On the bright side, I have some money saved up, and could probably pretty easily go get something cheap and used right now.

So yeah, that's about it; just an obituary for a piece of my gear.