My digital performer midi inputs are all greyed out? Anyone...

Trash Man

New member
'm currently on a G4 dual 1.25 using a digi 001 w/
pro tools on osx. I also have a G3 mac that I
currently have the oasys card hooked up. What I'm
trying to do is hook up my keyboard to a usb midi 1x1
into the G3 and send that midi signal to Digital
Performer which in turn will spit that signal to the
Oasys channels A1-B8 etc....I bought a used version of
DP to do this and my questions is how do I get DP to
accept my midi signal (from the keyboard)? On my midi track in DP the
input option is all greyed out...The output of the
midi channel is fine and I'll be able to spit the
signal to the oasys once I can get the midi signal
into DP...I looked all over the DP manual and cant
seem to find the answer so any help is totally
appreciated...I'm really new to DP so please excuse my
Stick to the dual

Don't know why you would even want to mess with the g3. If your usb midi and oasis card are compatible with a dual buck and a quarter running OSX - - - load em 'up. If your not sure, visit manufacturer's websites for latest driver's and information.

Actually the oasys card is not and never will be compatable w/ OSX. Thats pretty much the only reason I'm keeping the G3 so that I can use it basically as a stand alone synth (w/ the Oasys card of course...)
If it was a PC I would say the problem is that you need to install the midi drivers for the card. I know Macs handle drivers differently but that may be the problem. You may just need to configure DP to use the card.