My desk is a mess, please advice


New member
Hey guys, I received Sonar 4 Producer and I want to rearrange things. Is there any recomendations for placement of equipment? Example.... I'm using a Mackie 1604-VLZ Pro for my mixer. Delta 1010 sound card. I'm running a Hafler TA1600 to power my monitors from the C-R out from the Mackie, and when I want it loud, I run from the main outs on the Mackie to a Peavey XR684 PA system. My question is I have wires and cables all over the place. Do I need to keep these cables away from, say my computer cables and monitor? Does anyone have suggestions??? or is a mess ok? Thanks.....
I have a very similar set-up. Wires are somewhat the nature of the beast. However, we invested in a portable rack which helps somewhat.

Here's an idea of what I'm talking about.

This isn't exactly what we have, but it gives you the idea.

You can mount your mixer on top, then install your amps and Delta 1010 breakout box in the rack. You'll still have alot of wires (mics, wire to the PCI card, power cords, speaker wires, etc.), but this will help reduce some of the clutter.
As long as you don't have super el-cheapo cables you shouldn't really run into any interference problems. I just make sure that there are no audio cables running along side power lines as the power lines are capable of emitting RF interference. I've never noticed it myself... oh well, better safe than sorry.
Well, I spent most of the night so far moving stuff around. All the computer stuff got moved to the end of the table. I'm starting to see day light at the end of the tunnel, just hope it ain't a train...... I never noticed a problem before, but were getting ready to get into some serious recording.
HogansHiro Quote..." I've never noticed it myself... oh well, better safe than sorry." That's what I'm thinking, thanks.
dachay2tnr, your advice is always welcome. That link was great. I've been thinking about a rack, and that might be the one I go for. I see lots of possibilities. Thanks............