My best to date...

Pretty good, I'd mix it quite differently though, I would: lower the lead guitar a good 4-5db. Raise the kick and bass guitar. The cymbals are very quiet and seem to lack crispy highs. Let a touch more low through on the lead vox. Great song.
The snare leaning left is weird and distracting to me. The vocals can come up quite a bit. Guitars and bass sound good to me. Not bad overall.
As Greg_L said the snare is way left and to loud i can barely hear the kick, Rhythm guitar is great! nice tone
very nice overall!
Yup, vocals gotta come up by a lot. It's a song with lyrics, so they should be out front. Must be the guitar player who mixed this song.

All the elements sound good, just need to find the right balance.

Hi hat and snare sound decent but the cymbals sound like they dont match the set. Its really noticeable in that first crash at 4o seconds.

I REALLY appreciate the feedback and will go back and readjust the mix... I just listened again and can pretty much hear everything you guys are saying. BTW, the "must have been mixed by the guitar player" comment was close, but it's even worse... mixed by the guitar player's very proud Dad, (the same Dad who sang the vocals and is more than a little self-conscious about his skilz in that arena) - 'splains a lot I think!

I'll post up the remix in case anybody's interested in hearing the fruits of your input.

Thanks again.

(the same Dad who sang the vocals and is more than a little self-conscious about his skilz in that arena) - 'splains a lot I think!J

Lol, yeah, the other obvious reason for burying vocals. :) Once you get accustomed to hearing yourself, you'll get over it. Everyone hates their own voice.

Post your remix in this thread, no need to start another... (I say that because lots of people do that)

Nice clean and clear mix - Agree with the snare being too far left and the low vocals. I also find the rhythm/leads panned too far over on headphones.
Snare is wide and loud compared to the rest of the kit. I think you need to mix the kit as a unit then build the rest on top.
Pull the lead back a bit more. The bass - well maybe some definition or punch (I keep suggesting the old Motown tricks - cut 100hz by 5 & a Q of 3, boost 200hz Q3 4db and my personal tweak that works for me in my mixes: 3 to 5db peak Q3 at 3Khz.).
Pretty clear & clean recording job - well done.
Thank again to all!

Here's the remix taking into account most of the input here. Ray I didn't see your post until this morning, so I haven't tried your punchy bass suggetion yet.

Specific changes:

Vocals Up
Lead Vocal EQ'd a little differently (still hard for me to listen to, but I guess it is what it is...)
Lead Guitar down
Lead Guitar less plinky (higher threshold on comp, slightly dryer on slapback, verb down a teeny bit)
Kick Up
Crashes tweaked (this is another is what it is to a large extent)
Snare down the middle.
I tried not to adjust anything else, but fingers will be fingers...

I'm interested to know if folks here think this one is better compared with first version (up in original post)... did I go too far up on the vocal??? At some point I think I just have to call it good, but I'm going to try Raycs bass thing anyway, so if there are other suggestions, I would love to hear them!

Thanks again,

Beast of Burden - Mix3 - Jeff and Dylan - The Music Hutch
I think my ears are fried. In listening to them side by side now, I can barely hear the difference :( ... Can anybody else?
Sorry to blather on, but as I'm listening this morning to what I did last night, I'll throw in an intermediate version that I didn't like because I thought I went too far with the adjustments... As I'm listening to them again, I'm not sure this one isn't the best of the bunch...

The one a posted a few minutes ago is Mix3

This is Mix 2. . .
Beast of Burden - Mix2 - Jeff and Dylan - The Music Hutch

Thoughts as to which is better between 2 and 3?
#3 is better. Vocals are up at a good level. I suggest bumping up some high end on the vox, add some air to it.... maybe in the 2k - 5k range. Are you trying to hide some sibilance? It sounds like you pulled back the high end to minimize it. If so, you can try a de-esser or just lower the compression ratio if you're using one. If not, then nevermind.

Ya know, now that I can hear your singing, you got nothing to be worried about.

Guitars sound GoooooooD.

Is there a shaker in there?? It's a little distracting.

yeah man, big improvement. Sounds good. You're getting there.