My Bass Guitar is recorded to fast.


New member
I have problem with my bass guitar. I mean I can play in tempo but when I want to record my bass guitar it seems to be not synchronized with drums, its play too fast. Its strange cuse when I plug my electric guitar and record it there are no such problems it record signal not faster not slower but normal the same I play.
I believe English is not your first language and I believe you mean to say 'ahead' of the other tracks, not 'faster'. Your bass track is not in time or sync'd with the other tracks. How are you recording? What software, hardware? How do you record the bass and how do you record the other tracks?

You have got to give us a lot more information.

Most likely, your latency settings are wrong, but we need to determine everything else first.
& how are you monitoring during tracking - does that differ from guitar to bass?
Bass may seem worse that guitar because it is simpler & more fundamental.
Are you locking into the kick drum as you play?
Have you rehearsed so that you know it well?