My August song

I love the guitar playing. Very tight.
And the drums sound really good for being programmed. Nice work on that!
Nice overall post. Thanks.
I like the tight playing and the drum programming ... the lead in the middle has coupple of flaps but sounds good anyway ... nothing you couldn't fix with more takes ... realy liked the use of double kick ... not crazy about the vocals ... very good overall IMHO ...
Hope no one minds me pushing this back up...I must have missed it.

Cranky this is fucking great! I can't believe the drums are SF's. Are you using the DR-008 plugin with those?

Really tight performances...impressive! Excellent guitar work! I like the vocals a lot too.

Nice job!
SLuiCe said:
I can't believe the drums are SF's. Are you using the DR-008 plugin with those?

Nah. Just several different sounds found on the internet that I thought sounded good. Then I combined them all together for one soundfont, so I'll only have to load that soundfont into memory and I get those sounds. There are a few different velocity layers on some of the drum sounds. For instance, the snare drum has four, so it gets more slamming sounding when it's "hit harder", and so on. I could give you all the soundfont, but then I'd have to kill ya :D Seriously though, it would be a bummer if everybody sounded the same drum-wise.
CrankyOne said:

SLuiCe, like I'm going to give you, a mere mortal, my drum sound. HA! It is to laugh!

Well, you don't have to be rude about it.

I'm just kidding. Ya I was just curious whether you were mapping them with the DR-008 (Sonar insert) or not. I tried with some samples I made from the Korg's midi drums. Was kinda cool, but it was a major resource hog. I think my Wav's were to big. And I was too lazy to record all the velocity variations. Thanks for the response man. Great song!
SLuiCe said:

Well, you don't have to be rude about it.

I'm just kidding. Ya I was just curious whether you were mapping them with the DR-008 (Sonar insert) or not. I tried with some samples I made from the Korg's midi drums. Was kinda cool, but it was a major resource hog. I think my Wav's were to big. And I was too lazy to record all the velocity variations. Thanks for the response man. Great song!

Damn, you're good at quoting :D Yeah, didn't mean to be so arrogant, but I guess I'm like that sometimes.

I'm a little curious as to why those sounds would be a 'resource hog', unless your computer has very little RAM (aka memory :D ). My drum-set is about 6 megs or something like that, and I have 512 megs of RAM. It isn't a resource hog at all, even when I had 256 megs of RAM. Memory is pretty cheap nowadays, although they're getting pricier again. The memory prices go like a rollercoaster sometimes.
Actually I have 768 MB of 800Mhz RDRAM. It's good shit.
Are you converting them to audio tracks after, or just letting the DR-008 run them when you record other tracks. I just left the DR-008 going when I recorded the guitars for Chrysalis, and they were distorting like hell until I shut off the DR-008. Then they were fine. Like the drum Waves that the DR-008 had to process in real time were too big. Once I went back to my normal method of sending the midi data to the Korg and back for audio tracking, it was fine. Again, the problem was while I was recording. I haven't tried it with someone else's samples yet. I know there are supposed to be some decent drums at sites like Hammer Sound, so I was mostly interested in if and how you use the DR-008. Hopefully all that makes sense. If not, you don't need to deal with me :D
I don't use that DR-008 thing. When I've made a satisfactory drum track, I convert the drum track to audio with Audio Compositor. I'm sure there are better ways, but that's how I do it. When it's a wave drum track, I import it back to Sonar, so it's pure wave. It saves some resources not having to process the drums in real-time. Maybe I should pay more attention to other ways, though.
nice tune...cranky..

nice solo....and tone especially.

the song seems to lack a real bottom the "loudness" button on a stereo is turned off ..kinda thing. Not over exaggerated thing...and only CRANKING really LOUD seems to overcome this.

a couple of years on the road, drinkin' warm whiskey and a pack a day cigs should whip that voice into shape... you're still young yet!!
Cool tune,guitars rock!
I liked the vocals.

How did you record the guitars,really huge sound!
Good rockin tune,nice big mix.

I'm from Finland. The guitars were played with Zoom505-II effects processor and further processed with Revalver guitar amp simulator plugin. The rhythm is simply one guitar left and one right. There were some additional guitar parts here and there and of course the solo too.