My apologies to REAL Brit Pop artists

Kelly Dueck

New member
Please listen to this. Yes, I know the lyrics are a bit "over the top" but what the hell. Helpful reviews would be appreciated. Thanks!


Aardvark Pro 24/96
Cakewalk Pro Audio 9
Various Sonic Implants Soundfonts
My questionable vocal cords

Don't be so hard on your vocals. They were fine. The mix was cleand and tight. Nice job. I heard a bit of "the Kinks" influence in the song. Maybe that's just me Apropriate fills and a no frills arangment.
It was any easy, soft listen.

Thanks for the compliments. I think there's a lot to be said for simple arrangements. Look at John Fogerty's "Centerfield" ... dynamite, yet only a couple of guitars, drums, bass and vocals.
I know its not mainstream, but I really liked it. It is built on the trusted foundations of melody and harmony and rhythm that are sadly missing from much of todays music.

THe v67 sounds good but I am missing some clarity. Did you prefer it to the se tube mic on your vox?

The only thing I would not like is that synth sound that sneaks in there.

I think that the kick can be more defined.

I just feel that this song would be off the hook with some 808 kick and some big synth bass and some techno elements. Sort of like a fusion.

You have a good voice.

keep it up