MXL V77 Clipping


New member
I have an MXL V77s tube mic and I like the sound it produces. I just have one problem with it, and that is its fairly low clipping threshold (117 dB SPL).

Is this threshold determined by the diaphragm, or by the electronics? If it's the electronics can I modify it to include a switchable pad? Presumably a series resistor? I guess if it's the actual diaphragm clipping, there's nothing I can do?

Like I said it sounds great, but it clips real easy with vocals which is a shame. :(
What preamp are you running it into? It may not be the mic - it might be the preamp you are running into.

I have a Rode NT-3, and when I run it into a small Yamaha mixer I have, it clips even with the gain turned down as far as it will go. In fact, this happens with just about every condenser I run into it. Just curious!
...I have 2 MXL V77s (one with upgraded NOS 6072 tube) which I use exclusively on vocals with no clipping issues...I agree that it sounds like your preamp may be the culprit...please describe your recording chain exactly as it's hooked up so we can try and help you eliminate that issue...
Thanks for the replies guys. My recording chain is as follows:

Soundcraft Spirit Studio Mixer ( to Terratec EWS88MT (fed via tape sends on desk)

What troubles me is that when I experience this clipping, the clip LED is not lighting up (on the channel), and the PFL level is still reasonable on the meters (on the desk itself).

The other preamps I have are Nady PRA8 and an ART MP.

Come to think of it though I did use the V77s into the desk for a bottom snare mic, and it clipped the preamp with no gain applied. When I used the ART, the problem went away somewhat. I'll give the ART a try and report back.

Do you think the ART is a better sounding preamp than my channel strips? If not, would it be worth getting an inline pad (one of those XLR thingies)?
Something tells me the Soundcraft is probably the best you've got. It will definitely blow away the PRA-8 (which I own and actually like, considering the cost)...

Perhaps try the inline pad - maybe that mic is just putting out a ridiculously hot signal. If you could get your hands on another of its model, I'd say try it, even if it means hauling your Soundcraft to a Guitar Center - because seeing another mic of that make and model not clip through the same pre/channel strip will tell you there is probably something wrong with the mic.

Only things I can think of at this point. Good luck!
If you could get your hands on another of its model, I'd say try it, even if it means hauling your Soundcraft to a Guitar Center - because seeing another mic of that make and model not clip through the same pre/channel strip will tell you there is probably something wrong with the mic.

...good thought but that mic has been discontinued for the mic clipping in your DAW software? (what are you using by the way?...Cubase, ProTools, Audacity...etc) can always lower the volume on your tracking software as well (since you say your outboard hardware isn't showing the clipping)...did the mic always perform this way, or just recently?...a bum tube in the mic can cause some serious distortion in the signal as well (when the mic is plugged in, tap the side of the body gently and see if the volume fluctuates)...easiest way to isolate the problem is take the mic to a friend (who has a DAW setup) and try it through some different pres...but I suspect the problem is something simple and not too serious...just a bitch to isolate...:confused:
No Guitar Centre in the UK, and nowhere similar local. The V77s are like gold dust over here, MXL mics are virtually unheard of. The retail price for a 990 is still £80+! I bought mine in the states for $60 a few years ago. When I came to sell it on eBay, it sold for £40! Surely the $2:£1 exchange rate should help importers! They just seem to exploit it to their advantage rather than pass on to the consumer.

Anyway... I'm using Nuendo, the clipping definitely isn't the soundcard. I've gone back just now and screamed into the mic and turned the gain down on the mixer; clipping gone. However I was tracking someone else when the clipping kept occuring, so perhaps I'll try it with the other singer again. The problem is either the mic or the preamp (or me!) for sure, definitely not the interface (signal not hot enough, and clip indicator in Nuendo/Terratec Control Panel not lighting up).

I only got the mic on eBay a month or two ago and haven't really used it much yet so as far as I know it's always like this. My previous mic, as mentioned, was an MXL 990 - never had a similar problem with that.

As an aside, Kidvybes, is there a great difference between your stock V77 and your NOS 6072 upgraded one?
i don't have any problems with my V77 clipping and i use it on kick drum all the time.

i would also suspect the preamp as others have already said. get yourself an inline pad (shure makes one for about $20), and see if that fixes your problem. I'd go with a 20dB pad.

As an aside, Kidvybes, is there a great difference between your stock V77 and your NOS 6072 upgraded one?

...there is a slight improvement in terms of the overall "smoothness" of the mic...a bit more clarity on the extreme upper and lower frequencies, but truth be told, the V77 is pretty sweet in stock form as many here on will attest... the conversion is fairly easy and involves replacing the stock tube socket (soldered) with a mini-socket that allows easy swapping of the tube...if you're interested I can give you the link for the socket that fits perfectly...modest soldering (and desoldering) skills are required...just follow the same wiring pin configuration when installing the new socket... (toss the shield)

...the stock Chinese tubes actually test very good for low microphonics, but the NOS GE 5-Star 6072 tubes have better stability once heated...something to think about...;)
I was able to change the tube in my V77 without replacing the socket. Granted I had to pry the original tube with a small screwdriver between the tube and pin sockets very carefully, but the tube is held in place with a bracket so it isn't going anywhere.

The original tube in mine was a 12AX7, which had alot of gain but did saturate easily, which was nice in some instances, but when I put a 12AY7 in the gain dropped a bit to add more headroom and the sound got noticably fuller and smoother. Not as bright.

Personally I'd start there before altering the mic with pads or resistors.

Incidently, are there different versions of this mic? Mine says V77 on the box, but I've heard it referred to as V77s and also seen them in metal cases.


Dennis, I don't remember. Did the V77 come with a 6072, or one of the cheap Chinese 12AX7's that everyone claims is a 6072 (like Nady)? If it was a 12AX7, then swapping for a 6072 reduces the gain by 40%. If he's using the stock tube it might have too much gain.
Thanks for the replies guys. My recording chain is as follows:

Soundcraft Spirit Studio Mixer ( to Terratec EWS88MT

Stop here.

Is this clipping in the recording in the computor?

The Terretec has a settings screen that you must set up. If you don't set the gain etc. correctly, it will clip bad.

Check your signal directly from the mixer to see if the board pre-s are clipping it or the soundcard.

I had this problem myself.
Dennis, I don't remember. Did the V77 come with a 6072, or one of the cheap Chinese 12AX7's that everyone claims is a 6072 (like Nady)? If it was a 12AX7, then swapping for a 6072 reduces the gain by 40%. If he's using the stock tube it might have too much gain.'re absolutely correct...the stock tube was a (I believe) a 12AX7 (no # markings on the tube) that was "referred to" as a is identical to the stock tube in my SP T3 (I'm looking at both of them as I type...I saved them and marked them with the mic model # they were removed from)...they are triple-mica (really dual mica with a splash shield on top)...generic Chinese 12AT7/12AX7 variation...and yes, replacing the stock tube with a true 6072 did lower the gain factor (the output is less hot with the upgraded tube)...this accounts for a smoother, cleaner sound/output...worth the effort (IMHO)...;)