Mxl 9000 Mods.....


Just a short thread about my recent mods to an MXL 9000.

First and foremost, I took the 1000pf capacitor out and replaced it with a mylar 630V one. The original was a 10V on a junction that sees 135V!

Second, I ripped out the inner layers of the grille.

3, I took out the capsule and replaced it with an Oktava MK319 capsule.

Tube at the moment is stock, but I have a Mullard to slap in there or a Groove Tubes tube.

So anyway I fired it up and I was IMMEDIATELY floored.

The mic is dark in a chocolate kind of way. But not overly dark just a little touch of cocoa on the vocal side of things. Hardly if AT ALL sibilant. Rotating the mic just 10 degrees eliminated ANY sibilance. Has a very immediate proximity effect but not overdone. A very quiet mic. BTW this was done with just an Behringer ADA8000 preamp, so I'm certain it would sound ALOT better on one of my really good pres. Should be dope on overheads.

The tube is an easy mod to do, so I'm guess it should improve with a better tube.

The last step for me will be the cheapo transformer in there. I contacted Jensen and they already recommended a replacement.

I'm about to contact Edcor just to see if they have anything comparable. I know they are significantly cheaper but I'm just exploring my options at the moment. Although I do know that the recommended Jensen is supposed to be galaxies better so its in the front running right now as my choice unless Edcor can convince me otherwise.

I hope to give you guys some sound clips soon.

For now here's a few pictures taken on my camera phone of the mics I've modded and the MXL 9000 upclose.

The mics from left to right is an MXL V67i with the extra grille removed only, the rest is stock. An MXL 990 with extra grille removed, the Gus mod and a Peluso CEK12 capsule installed. An MXL 9000 with the extra grille removed, upgraded 1000pf capacitor and an Oktava MK319 capsule. The last mic is a Behringer B1, extra grille removed and a MXL V67/V76t capsule. The Behringer has WIMA caps, no need to upgrade those folks.



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Sounds interesting. I may have to try that one. Any word on what model transformer Jensen recommended? While I like Jensen, a Lundahl would probably also fit, depending on the ratio. What kind of output cap does it use?

I see you removed the HF disk from the 319 capsule.
How about that?

Please do post updates on the tranny situation.

erm... just cause it has Wima caps in it doesn't mean they are ALL Wima caps, especially in the signal path. I would bet (knowing 797) that there is at least one electro in there somewhere that shouldn't be.

Is the capsule coupling cap a Wima, or a ceramic? Is there an electrolytic in there marked 1uF? I bet there is!
Hmmm I will look at the pics on Prodigy Pro, you may be right...

erm... just cause it has Wima caps in it doesn't mean they are ALL Wima caps, especially in the signal path. I would bet (knowing 797) that there is at least one electro in there somewhere that shouldn't be.

Is the capsule coupling cap a Wima, or a ceramic? Is there an electrolytic in there marked 1uF? I bet there is!

However considering that the mic is really really quiet I would assume we're addressing tone at this point and this really peaks my interest. I may have not taken the mic apart completely because I think there's two circuit boards in there and the cap you mention may be on the back of the pcb.


Will report back.

Oh the Jensen was a bad match for the mic. Not sound wise but level wise. 12:1 stepdown ratio made my mic a gaping hole in my bank account, because I would need a pre that would give about oh 60 db with absolutely no added noise, plus the trafo was putting the mic output at line level instead of mic level, so even if I reversed it I would still be in trouble due to impedance mismatch or something along those lines, plus the mic would be ridiculously hot.

So I got a NOS Cinemag from Cinemag with a 5:1 stepdown ratio, should be much better. Should be here on Monday or Tuesday, will report back with clips with both trafos.

I think level is more the job of the tube. You need a transformer that matches the impedance of the tube to get the output impedance down to 200 ohms. With a 12a*7 that would be anywhere from a 10.5:1 to a 12:1.

mxl 9000 mod advice/help

im a LONG time reader but noob post-er. so i may have posted this in the wrong area.

im looking to try a few things that i have read about on a MXL 9000 tube mic.
i am new to modding but i will have a friend who is good with a soldering gun.
does anyone know where i can look for a circuit diagram for this mic?
i'd like to swap the transformer but i don't know what to order.

any advice or places to look for advice would be greatly appreciated.
im looking to try a few things that i have read about on a MXL 9000 tube mic.
i am new to modding but i will have a friend who is good with a soldering gun.
does anyone know where i can look for a circuit diagram for this mic?
i'd like to swap the transformer but i don't know what to order.

any advice or places to look for advice would be greatly appreciated.
im sorry!

im sorry about all these posts. like i said im new at all of this. im not trying to be obnoxious.
no more multiple posts, i promise.
I'm Sorry
Just a short thread about my recent mods to an MXL 9000.

First and foremost, I took the 1000pf capacitor out and replaced it with a mylar 630V one. The original was a 10V on a junction that sees 135V!

Second, I ripped out the inner layers of the grille.

3, I took out the capsule and replaced it with an Oktava MK319 capsule.

Tube at the moment is stock, but I have a Mullard to slap in there or a Groove Tubes tube.

So anyway I fired it up and I was IMMEDIATELY floored.

The mic is dark in a chocolate kind of way. But not overly dark just a little touch of cocoa on the vocal side of things. Hardly if AT ALL sibilant. Rotating the mic just 10 degrees eliminated ANY sibilance. Has a very immediate proximity effect but not overdone. A very quiet mic. BTW this was done with just an Behringer ADA8000 preamp, so I'm certain it would sound ALOT better on one of my really good pres. Should be dope on overheads.

The tube is an easy mod to do, so I'm guess it should improve with a better tube.

The last step for me will be the cheapo transformer in there. I contacted Jensen and they already recommended a replacement.

I'm about to contact Edcor just to see if they have anything comparable. I know they are significantly cheaper but I'm just exploring my options at the moment. Although I do know that the recommended Jensen is supposed to be galaxies better so its in the front running right now as my choice unless Edcor can convince me otherwise.

I hope to give you guys some sound clips soon.

For now here's a few pictures taken on my camera phone of the mics I've modded and the MXL 9000 upclose.

The mics from left to right is an MXL V67i with the extra grille removed only, the rest is stock. An MXL 990 with extra grille removed, the Gus mod and a Peluso CEK12 capsule installed. An MXL 9000 with the extra grille removed, upgraded 1000pf capacitor and an Oktava MK319 capsule. The last mic is a Behringer B1, extra grille removed and a MXL V67/V76t capsule. The Behringer has WIMA caps, no need to upgrade those folks.


How did you get some of those extra grills off? I tried but couldn't get it started so I stopped.
Please advice.