Muting playback without killing signal?


New member
I'm using a Peavey 4062 mixer to mix down 6 tracks. I have routed the mix to an outboard effect, and put the return from the effect into its own channel input (7).

Everything is fine so far, but here's my problem: I want to hear only track 7 (the processed mix of channels 1-6), but not the channels that make up the send (1-6).

Muting channels 1-6 or pulling down their faders won't work because that's the signal that comes back to 7 (no send from 1-6=no return to 7). There are no solo buttons for the channels either, and no other buttons that would seem to solve this problem. I consulted the owner's manual with no luck.

If anyone is familiar with the Peavey line of mixers, any help would be most appreciated. Some extra bits of info in case it helps: I'm sending channels 1-6 out as a subgroup, through the "Group Out" buss. They are returning from the FX via channel 7's 1/4" "In" jack and processed like a normal channel signal.
Sorry man. Higher end mixers have a way so that if you PFL a channel, the aux sends of all channels still work, thus you can preview your effects return. It appears that your Peavey doesn't (no small surprise! ;))
mixsit said:
If you can assign the channels to a sub, can't you also not assign them to the master?

Most likely, the Sub can't be unassigned to the master. Most Peavey consoles I have seen work like this.

How come you aren't just using an Aux Send anyway?
Ford Van said:
How come you aren't just using an Aux Send anyway?

Ha, the short answer is that I'm a newbie and I don't know how to work the aux stuff yet :D

But supposing I learn (perhaps from a group of mixing experts on a BBS online somewhere?)... is there a way to only hear my aux mix?
It depends. If the send is pre-fader, then you could simply turn down all the faders for the channels that you are sending it too.

On your mixer, Aux 1 will most likely be the pre-fader aux send (if it has more than one aux send).
ryman said:
I'm using a Peavey 4062 mixer to mix down 6 tracks. I have routed the mix to an outboard effect, and put the return from the effect into its own channel input (7).

Everything is fine so far, but here's my problem: I want to hear only track 7 (the processed mix of channels 1-6), but not the channels that make up the send (1-6).

Muting channels 1-6 or pulling down their faders won't work because that's the signal that comes back to 7 (no send from 1-6=no return to 7). There are no solo buttons for the channels either, and no other buttons that would seem to solve this problem. I consulted the owner's manual with no luck.

If anyone is familiar with the Peavey line of mixers, any help would be most appreciated. Some extra bits of info in case it helps: I'm sending channels 1-6 out as a subgroup, through the "Group Out" buss. They are returning from the FX via channel 7's 1/4" "In" jack and processed like a normal channel signal.
You could use a pre fader aux send to send the tracks to the outboard FX unit. Pull your faders down and then you will only get the FXd signal, but this way you will need to use the sends as your mixer faders and get the volume balance right again.