Muting/Deadening sampled toms


New member
Any tricks for muting sampled tom sounds on drum machines?

Whenever I used to record in the studio, we'd put pads on the toms to deaden them.
With samples, most of the time they're recorded straight without any padding.
Are there any tricks to altering sampled sounds so that they sound more like real toms with pads on them?

ie, i've got a bunch of songs with tom rolls in them played on an LM-4 drum machine and the toms ring on for so long that they effect the whole mix.
It'd be nice to mute them a little.
I have exactly the same problem with the toms on my Yamaha RX8. And to make things worse, not ONLY do they ring on too long but they do that eighties thing of dropping down a tone at the end too :(

Think Eastenders theme.
MadAudio said:
You might be able to get the desired sound using a noise gate to control the decay.

That was my thought as well. Perhaps use the drum machine's tom sound for the attack, then chop it off with the gate, and then put a small room verb on it, so it just goes "Blam" and gets out of the way. (Phil Collins did this, but I hated his choice of tom tones.)

If you have logic, you could use something like the enveloper which has controls for attack and sustain.