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Wondering if anyone has any experience, positive or negative, in using musicxray? Looking for folks that have actually used it.
Wondering if anyone has any experience, positive or negative, in using musicxray? Looking for folks that have actually used it.

What are your goals and what is the level of your material? I wouldn't consider it unless you have work that compares favorably with music from commercials, videos, soundtrack or released cds in terms of writing, quality of performance, mixing and mastering.
I have a song that I think is comparable to some of the other songs that I can see have been submitted to musicxray. Have you submitted your work? How did it go? Did you get feedback?
I have a song that I think is comparable to some of the other songs that I can see have been submitted to musicxray. Have you submitted your work? How did it go? Did you get feedback?

Oh yeah - I have submitted - but my stuff is more quirky/oddball/retro - really wasn't/isn't up to snuff playing, recording, mixing wise. I did have one considered for an indie buddy road movie type flick, and it was a contender - but in retrospect it lost out to a MUCH better entry. I've spent the entire summer working on my chops with the intent of having another go at it at the end of the year. In general there are lots of 'pull down menu' type responses like 'not exactly what we are looking for at this time'. It's pretty easy to tell when someone has actually listened and written a reply.

The only caution I would give you is that it's important to measure your stuff by what's actually out in the market, versus what you hear submitted there. Also - as it's an independent marketplace of sorts - there are a RAFT of people on there seeking to separate you from $5, $10 or $20 bucks in exchange for a 5 bullet point critique.
Thanks much - very interesting. So it sounds like you felt that you got what you paid for in submitting for the opportunities that they post?
Thanks much - very interesting. So it sounds like you felt that you got what you paid for in submitting for the opportunities that they post?

I think I spent about $40 in total. In the grand scheme of things it was the cost of a pizza dinner from dominos for my family. I was extremely selective about my submissions - cherry picking small, low budget indie films looking for quirky/goofy/interesting/outsider stuff well out of the mainstream. Even if my stuff was selected I would actually have made little to no money from the deal. It's a cut-throat racket and musicians aren't doing themselves or anyone else any favors working for free 'to get started'... I don't feel ripped off in any way. I think it helped me figure out what I already knew - that my stuff really wasn't up to snuff...