Musician Jokes


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Okay guys, lets have fun with this one! I'll start off, but you cant be thin-skinned here, these are just for fun....

What is the difference between a bass player and a large pizza?

A large pizza can feed a family of four!!!

Hah!! I Kill Me!!
and the ever popular..."what do you call New Age music played backwards?"

"New Age music."
Because it never stops being funny...

Q: What do you do when you see a drummer lying in a pool of his own blood, screaming?

A: Stop laughing and fire again.
Q. How do you get a guitar player off your front porch?
A. Pay him for the pizza

Q. How can you tell a drummer is at the front door?
A. The tapping speeds up?

Q. How can you tell a lead singer is at the front door?
A. She doesn't know when to come in

Q. What is perfect pitch?
A. Throwing a banjo in a dumpster, without hitting the sides

Thank you, I'll be here all week. Remeber to tip your waitress!
A sign in the window of a bar advertised for a Piano Player and one day a scroungy looking old guy entered the bar asking about the job.
The bartender was put off by the man's looks, but pointed him to the piano in the corner.
As the old man began to play, the room was filled with the most beautiful, melodious music anyone in the bar had ever heard. During the song, all talk stopped and when the music ended, the patrons leaped to their feet; yelling and applauding wildly.
"Hey, Old Timer," said the barkeep. "You're really good. What was that beautiful song?"
"I call it 'Drop them panties Momma, I'm gonna do ya all night long."

Momentarily stunned, the bartender held his temper and said, "Interesting title, Do you have another?" The old man nodded and broke into a foot stomping honky-tonk piece that brought the bar patrons to their feet. The crowd clapped along until it was
finished, then broke into a thunderous round of applause and filled his tip mug to overflowing.
"You are amazing," exclaimed the barkeep. "Just amazing! What do you call that one?"
"Oh, that's a little ditty I call 'I wanna spank yer bare butt, baby, till you scream and holler.'
Then, he rose, excused himself and shuffled off to use the restroom.

While he was gone, the patrons begged the bartender to give the eccentric old musician the job. So, when the old man returned, the barkeep said,
"Mister, you are the greatest piano player I've ever heard. If you want the job, it's yours."
Suddenly, the barkeep noticed that the man had not finished his trip to the restroom. Not wanting to embarrass the old fellow, he leaned toward him and whispered, ...... "Sir, do you know your pecker's hanging out for al the world to see?"

"Know it?" the geezer grinned. "Hell, I WROTE IT !"
more dementia!

What's the difference between a fiddle and a violin ?

Who cares - neither one's a guitar

Did you hear about the guitarist who was in tune ?

Neither did I

Why are so many guitarists jokes one liners ?

So the rest of the band can understand them

What do you do if your bassist is drowning?

Throw him his amp.

~Saint Peter is checking in new arrivals in heaven....~

"What did you do on Earth?"
"I was a surgeon. I helped the lame to walk."
"Well, go right on in through the Pearly Gates"

"What did you do on Earth?"
"I was a school teacher. I taught the blind to see."
"Fine .. go right on in through the Pearly Gates!"

"What did you do on Earth?"
"I was a musician. I helped make sad people happy."
"You can load in through the kitchen."

"Mommy! Mommy! When I grow up I want to be a guitar player!"

"Now Johnny, you can't do both!"

What do a vacuum cleaner and an electric guitar have in common ?

Both suck when you plug them in
my friend emailed me this one

Dear Bandleader thank you for your letter. I really do think you have an
attitude problem and do want a few requests played if you don't mind. What
me and my wife were thinking was:

-Any Keith Jarrett composition from his solo series. Please arrange for
full ensemble and nothing in 4/4 please.

-Mahavishnu Orchestra, Dance of the Maya and please have the guitar player
play John Mcglaughlin's solo from the live performance Nov. 16, 1972 at
Chrysler Arena. My wife and I were at that show and particularly liked his
use of polyrhythmics. If you find it too difficult you can leave out the
feedback. Your choice.

-John Coltrane's duets with Pharaoh Sanders. I understand that their use of
atonality is not everyone's cup of tea, but my guests are usually fond of|
high register tenor saxes.

-We thought a little Stravinsky would be nice. We particularly like the
|Rite of Spring. If you want to use the sheet music it's OK. My husband
likes it about 1/4 note = 93 beats per minute.

-Then for the candle lighting ceremony, please learn Frank Zappa's "The
Great Wazoo". If you want to play it in the originally B flat, that would
be OK. And yes, cousin Jeannie does want to sing the baritone sax solo.
Please don't say no, it would hurt her feelings so.

-Finally we have built our own musical instruments (It's kind of a hobby
with us) and we would appreciate if you would use our instruments. None of
them are based upon a 12 tone scale or on common harmonics, but our 5 year
old son tells us it's not really that hard to transpose once you understand
the physics.

We would be happy to pay each member an extra $25 for any inconvenience.
Thank you and don't be late!

Mr. and Mrs. Snovly

oh and these are around too!

This trumpet player was on the phone with his agent. He was concerned that he didn't have a gig in a while. His agent tells him; "Listen, there aren't any gigs out there, but I found you something. I got you a gig bagging lions."

To which the trumpet player says, "What does that have to do with my playing. The agent then says "Look, the gig pays 100.00 for each lion that you bag, don't worry about playing"

.At this point the trumpet player will take anything so he hangs up and flies to Africa. Not wanting to miss any practice time he takes his trumpet with him while looking for the lions. He notices a lion coming toward him and the only thing that he could think of doing is playing his horn. He starts to play a beautiful ballad. He then notices that the lion starts to get sleepy and eventually goes to sleep. He grabs the lion, bags him and throws him in the back of his truck.

He goes a little further and sees another lion. Again he plays a beautiful ballad and again the lion falls asleep. This goes on all afternoon. The trumpet player has about 99 lions in his truck when he sees another.

He says "What the heck, one more won't hurt". He starts to play his ballad and notices that the lion is not paying any attention to him so he starts to play louder. The lion starts to run toward the trumpet player. The trumpet player starts to play faster and faster but the lion keeps coming toward him. The lion jumps on the trumpet player and eats him.

One of the lions on the truck turns to another lion and says, "I told you that when he gets to the deaf one the gig would be over".

A drummer, sick of all the drummer jokes, decides to change his instrument. After some thought, he decides on the accordion. So he goes to the music store and says to the owner, "I'd like to look at the accordions, please." The owner gestures to a shelf in the corner and says "All our accordions are over there." After browsing, the drummer says, "I think I'd like the big red one in the corner." The store owner looks at him and says, "You're a drummer, aren't you?" The drummer, crestfallen, says, "How did you know?" The store owner says, "That `big red accordion' is the radiator."
A retired trumpet player decides to make a comeback. After looking around a bit, he finds a gig with a combo in an upstairs bar downtown. He joins in, and all the old songs start coming back to him...pretty soon he's playing solos and feeling pretty good about himself. The band leader turns around and says, "we have a request for 'Over The Rainbow'." No problem...the trumpet player plays the melody "somewheeeeeeeere over the rainbooooooooooow"...

...and they come to the bridge. Oh, no, thinks the trumpet player. I DON'T REMEMBER THE BRIDGE TO "OVER THE RAINBOW!" Distraught, he throws his trumpet out the window and dives after it.

And the last thing he hears it the ambulance approaching, with its siren going..

Da da Da da Da da Da da

It took me a second to understand the da da da da, but when it hit me I had a good laugh - that's a new joke I never heard (and I thought I heard all of them).
And one of my favorites!!!

A band was flying to a gig when the captain annouced that due to mechanical problems, they had to lighten the plane and all non essential weight must be discarded.

The guitar player, with tears in his eyes, threw his Les Paul from the plane. The bass player, with great sadness threw his Jazz Bass into the sky. The drummer looked lovingly at his kit, sighed, and pushed the guitar player out!!!!