Music Video. Tappin'. Help a friend out and vote.


Slowing becoming un-noob.
Hey everyone-
I believe I've posted this video once before on this site, but this is a special occasion.
If you don't like the music at all, then no need to support it, otherwise hopefully some of you will find it in your hearts to help :guitar:

The biggest help is rating the video using the 5 music notes below the video. (each note is a point, so the more you click the likelier it is for something to come of it for us.)
Otherwise liking it and/or tweeting it is a great help as well.
Anything you are willing to do is much appreciated! Thanks everyone. -- Be Heard. Be Seen. Be Recognized. The World's Entertainment Radar!

Info about recording:
Alesis Firewire 16 Mixer -> Macbook Pro
(recorderman mic setup)
Audix I5's on toms/snare
Audix D6 on kick
Naiant mini condensers for overheads

Reverend Buckshot (guitar) -> Fender '65 reissue twin reverb -> Behringer B-2 large diaphragm condenser mic.

Thanks again!


P.S. Oh yeah, and fyi the twin reverb is clean, and my custom built pedals make the fuzziness (aka goodness).