music published

Taken from PRSformusic, UK.

"In the UK, all original music is protected by copyright from the time it is recorded/written down in some format."


"Post a copy of the recording to yourself by special delivery. Clearly mark the envelope so you know what music it holds, but keep it sealed.
Store a copy with your solicitor or bank manager. Remember to keep a receipt and be aware that this method is likely to cost you some money."
That works in the UK. It doesn't work in the US. As Steeno said, the ownership is yours once you get it into a tanglible format like a recording or written on paper. That part is the same in the US and UK. However, in the US you have to register that ownership with the US Copyright office. U.S. Copyright Office

None of this would prevent anyone from stealing it. The only way to prevent theft is to keep it in your head.
What the others said.

However, to offer a different perspective, I don't particularly care one way or the other. The chances that someone might steal one of my songs for material gain is so remote that I don't worry about it.
The chances that someone might steal one of my songs for material gain is so remote that I don't worry about it.

I had typed that and then I took it out. I think it's true though.
The chances of some noob trying to steal your music is pretty low and it wouldn't really matter. How far are they going to get?
The chances of some pro outfit stealing your music is very very low! They're more likely to license it from you

I register my music with royalty collection agencies and hope somebody 'steals' it, or uses it.
The more the merrier. :)
well I've been writing for a few yrs and I know that some of my songs people would try to steal in the future so to make sure taht dont happen