music in an election year

if you got someone else that can actually sing to do the vocals it would be something that id listen to.. but right now, the vocals are just to unappealing, everything else is pretty interesting... one more thing that bothered me was the drums... they're off in some spots and just follow the guitar... not to creative there. need to work on your drum machinin' skills. overall though, not a bad attempt. keep it up.

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i like the drums in some parts of song 8... good mix of and variety.
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I'm listening to grey haired smugglers.....Amateur, boring shit so far man...mix is ok....boring man...even with the beat change and the distorted guitar contrasting the A section..(verses)...the song parts are just to similar......F to E 4x..jeez...of course the singer has verry limited ability....OH gawd...the lead man...whew!...A for effort tho man...I don't here any experience there yet...Overall..the mix was acceptable..But I hated the song.
that wasn't too painful

By the time a song is done I either hate it because I've heard it too many times, or like it because I've heard it so many times ("growing on me"). Powerkor-Funny you should say that Powerkor, cuz the reason I wrote these songs was for someone else to sing (Eddie Vedder's and Bruce Springstein's love child), but then summer came, and I had the songs in front of me. And he would have been introspective, and that's not my intention when I make songs. And I had to take distortion off my voice because it was boring me, but when you do that it has to come from somewhere else. So I started playing with different characters, like a verse me and a chorus me. Goose80 and me put Song 8 together in 5 minutes after a night of binge drinking...maybe I should start making songs with that formula.

Goose80-Bacon on the Side Rules. Maybe we should do a take with you singing. Or we could get the handicap voice on my Dell, he might sound better. "I love my computer".

Firesole-Yes. I have never had lessons in you noted. Haha Goose80 can field the comment about the solo. To be fair though, he did all the solos after one listen and then one take.

Thank you for input.