Music Goals 06

Murdock Jones

New member
Did any of y'all dudes out there set any concrete music/production goals for 06?

I'm shooting for 8 placements, with 1 on a platinum artist, and also securing a recording contract with at least one of the artist/groups I work with (this is a 4th quarter goal, it may carry over till first quarter 07)
Wow those are some nice goals to acheive, good luck!

My goal in the first/second quarter of 06 is to finish my mixtape using comercial beats. In the 4th quarter, my goal is to finish a mixtape using my own, or bought beats. All this will occur if i get new equipment, which is a 50/50 right now.
Hopefully me and my team (Co-Star Productions get the ball rolling and get some credits on some noteworthy projects. Bang a quality beat cd to shop out every few weeks or so. Get good management, make a name for ourselves, and stop having to deal with bs artists who want shit for free. I firmly believe that we'll do this b/c we all have what it takes, just gotta put 1 foot forward and the rest is to come...
I just want to figure out how to record decently with my equipment. I went out and spend a bit of money and got a lot of reading and experimenting to do. IF only dreams could be reached with money rather than knowledge, but then everyone could do it eh?
Time to hit the woodshed... if there is such a thing for recording.
Our goal is to get a production with a major artist. Get a major production deal. Get instrumentals on TV, Film, and radio. And get our name out there major.... Get a music lawyer. Have our label done right business wise. We really started networking major in the last 5 months and have made major steps. So we look forward to this new year! It's all about the grind!
My New Year's Resolution was to handle business and keep shit movin'.

Here's what I'm looking at.

*polishing up the Hustle Magic compilation (Bknot, I'll hit you up this week about that)

*finishing up the Contagious album

*making Hammerback Records official and signing the first set of artists

*becoming part of a production company separate from Heavyhitta Beats (the name is still being discusssed)

*recording the next Fieva album (btw I'm planning to do more collabs for that one, so I'll keep ya'll posted)

*recording a Hammerback Records compilation to put the artists I'm using out there.

*adding more beats to the Heavyhitta Beats site (ok so I have over 100, but what's a few more if I can store it there)

*adding some more equipment to the studio

I got a busy year, but it's all good because it moves you ahead.
Mine would have to be to finish up my album that's been in the works forever. I'm sure it'll still take me a while to get a finished product that I'm happy with and proud of, but that's my main goal. I'm also looking forward to do some collabs and production work with/for other artists.

Well, we just did another thing in the goals plan. I now have a room entirely dedicated to the studio. We switched out the kid's bedroom and the old room. The old studio room is bigger, but the kid needs a bigger room and even though his room was smaller, it makes it more personal and the acoustics might be a better fit here than in there. I'll have to try it out this week. I'll show you guys some pics soon. I have some decorating to do :)
Me personally everybody know i am slow as hell when it come to beats so one of my biggest goals is to make 1 track a day. correction 1 hot track a day at the least. and also get my other business ventures of the ground so high that they neva come down.
and as always hit one chick from every nationality within a 150 mile radius before 2007. ohh almost forgot to also fill my give back to the community quota some friends of mine established back in the day where you have to hit 1 fat chick and 1 ugly chick per year...and only one each. you can combo them tho and get one fat ugly chick to fufill yur obligation. Oh and be the best role model i can to the kids around me. :D
Me personally everybody know i am slow as hell when it come to beats so one of my biggest goals is to make 1 track a day. correction 1 hot track a day at the least. and also get my other business ventures of the ground so high that they neva come down.
and as always hit one chick from every nationality within a 150 mile radius before 2007. ohh almost forgot to also fill my give back to the community quota some friends of mine established back in the day where you have to hit 1 fat chick and 1 ugly chick per year...and only one each. you can combo them tho and get one fat ugly chick to fufill yur obligation. Oh and be the best role model i can to the kids around me. :D

Me personally everybody know i am slow as hell when it come to beats so one of my biggest goals is to make 1 track a day. correction 1 hot track a day at the least. and also get my other business ventures of the ground so high that they neva come down.
and as always hit one chick from every nationality within a 150 mile radius before 2007. ohh almost forgot to also fill my give back to the community quota some friends of mine established back in the day where you have to hit 1 fat chick and 1 ugly chick per year...and only one each. you can combo them tho and get one fat ugly chick to fufill yur obligation. Oh and be the best role model i can to the kids around me. :D
I said music goals home boy.....What you gonna do? Sing to them broads while you hittin' it. I can't lie though, I have put my tracks to some of the films I made :eek: .....By tha way, what constitutes as fat??
Me personally everybody know i am slow as hell when it come to beats so one of my biggest goals is to make 1 track a day. correction 1 hot track a day at the least. and also get my other business ventures of the ground so high that they neva come down.
and as always hit one chick from every nationality within a 150 mile radius before 2007. ohh almost forgot to also fill my give back to the community quota some friends of mine established back in the day where you have to hit 1 fat chick and 1 ugly chick per year...and only one each. you can combo them tho and get one fat ugly chick to fufill yur obligation. Oh and be the best role model i can to the kids around me. :D

Only Beat would say some shit like that...fuckin hilarious!!!