Music for the Bi Polar

Gotta be cool

Only works for cool people. Although pop up blockers can make it seem like someone isn't cool.
That's a very percussive bass through the intro - shades of the original Genesis maybe.
Not so much bi polar as multiple personality disorder - as Ian Hunter said:" You're never alone with a schizophrenic".
Mind you that's a common and inaccurate definition of Schiz.
Some very nice git sounds.
Oh yeah baby.... me likey this tune.... if you ever decide to re-track this one, lemme know.... I wanna be a part of it.....
This song makes my heart race!! Does this mean I'm bi-polar???



The soft sections really bring out the driving guitar sections.

I also noticed a little nod to Yes circa Close to the Edge. Sweet!
Not particularly my style of music but it's not hard to hear good talent going on here. How much of the instruments did you play? Nice, Eric.
hello acattoir i really enjoyed it and your recent one too. i liked your video alot also. i don't have any tunes recorded yet, but hopefully sometime this summer:) thanks & goodluck