multiple drivers


New member
I have been using a Hoontech sound card running into an older version n-track. I usually record my drum kit and then multi track guitars, vocals etc..

I'm keen to expand my availble number of Ins so that i can record live a small band , so have been looking at buying a lexicon omega or something similar.

My question is. Does anyone know if cubase Le which seems to come with a lot of the above mentioned products, allows the inclusion of 2 or more sets of drivers to be used simultaneously i.e the Ins from my hoontech at the same time as the Ins from the lexicon??? these other devices are either firewire/usb and my existing device is a pci card. would this be a a problem??

If both cards have ASIO drivers, I think you can select the general multimedia driver. However, the problem may come in that the cards are not clocked together, so samples will be taken at different times and latency may also be an issue. I would suggest investing in a card that has as many inputs as you need.
cubase setup suggests you use drivers designed for the specific card whenever possible... not familiar with that other card... is it a gamer type piece??? those also dont generally give good results either... imo your better off looking for something that will meet your I/O needs better and be done with it rather than fighting the incompatability wars...
Hoontech is not gamer its pretty old now-maybe 5-6 has 8 in/outs and is semi-pro I geuss.Now been bought out by ESI. Yeah i have talked to adude from the local music store and he reckon that I pretty much need to get a device with more Ins.
cheers thanks for that
I've tried and tried and failed and failed to get my US-122 and Firepod to work together. One is USB and the other is firewire and it just aint happening. Each device needs its own driver and LE only allows one at a time.
