Multiple channels at the same time?


New member

Hypothetically speaking: I have a sound card with four inputs. If I was to record drums using 4 mics, how do I record these 4 tracks onto 4 separate channels thru cubase?

I need to know this before I make my purchase... I mean because I have just made my purchase (yeah, thats it...)

Thank you all

In Cubase:

Along the top drop down menu's - go to system/inputs (i think it's under system). Turn them all on. You probably have 1/2 3/4 listed.

Also, in another of the drop down menu's, you will see a setting called "multirecord", make sure this is checkmarked.

Then go to system/monitor. This brings up a mixer view. At the top of each channel/fader, you should see a small box that indicates 1L or 1R - while holding down the CTRL key, change fader/channel 3 and 4 to 2L and 2R.

Along the top of the mixer it should read from left to right - 1L 1R 2L 2R.

Enable all the tracks for recording in the "arrange" window. Hit record and it should be working. Also, be sure to check out tools/system. In here you can change things like the number of tracks, bit depth, and the type of driver your sound card can handle. If it supports ASIO all the better.