multi-track recording on Acid 3


New member
hey everyone, since the Sonic Foundry section is so quiet, i'm hoping someone here can answer my question.
I've been using Acid 3 to record the individual tracks that i originally recorded on my Tascam 488mkII. I'd record onto tape and then record that track over to Acid for editing, effects, etc..
This has been fine, but I'd also like to be able to just multi-track record direct to Acid and use the Tascam just as a mixer. My problem is that once i record a track onto Acid, say guitar for example, and then go to record my second track (let's say vocal) the guitar track gets recorded again on the vocal track. I can't figure out to how to be able to hear the guitar track in my headphones, so i can have something to sing along to, and not have it record itself on the new track. If I mute it, then it won't record on the new track, but then i can't hear it to sing along with. If anyone can help me out I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you
You have to dis-arm the guitar track for recording. And just arm the vocal track for recording. Dont mute the guitar track, cause then you cant hear it, which is something you are not looking forward to.
thanks for info, but how do you "disarm" the track? i've been looking everywhere to try to do that. thanks for your help
yeah, i don't see a separate record button for each track...just the main one. i've been searching everywhere so that i can hear the track but keep it from recording itself on a new track. any other suggestions? thanks again for your input.
i dont believe acid allows you to multi tracks.. just one track at a time...

hense why you dont see the disarm button
It sounds like the actual problem is that the output of the track already recorded is routed back to the input track. This always happens to people with a Sound Blaster becaue they have this "What U Hear" setting that routes everything to the recording input stream. You need to find the soundcard's control panel, and enable just the input for recording.