muffled vocal sound: baby bottle or firepod pres?


New member
Im running:
Firepod (no external pre)
Logic Express
BLUE Baby Bottle
BLUE XLR cables

I bought the baby bottle because it was good for airy, mid-range vocals and i'm kind of dissapointed with the muddy vocals that im getting. They don't sound terrible but it sounds like im singing in a good mic, 15 feet away.

It records my acoustic fairly well, almost a little too boomy, but way better than the vocals. I will post a guitar and vocal track if someone will listen to it.

My question is: Can I pay around $500 for a preamp that will get a more intimate vocal sound? Or should i worry about the mic?

I know its stupid to make comparisons to professional recordings that have mics and pres that cost more than my life, but i would really like to take a step closer to radiohead's new album, which has such clear and airy vocal recordings, it blows my mind.

thanks in advance for the help, look forward to being a part of the forum. :)
I have to ask the stupid questions first . . .

Are you sure you're singing into the correct side of the mic? Also, you're singing into the side, not the top?

OK, sorry, had to get that out of the way, it's happened before and to the best of us. Now, the Baby Bottle is kind of a dark mic. It could be wrong for your voice--it's a very niche mic. I'd try out different mics before I bought a preamp.

Or it could be defective . . . post a clip and let's hear it.
lol, good question. i'm singing into the face of the capsule (through a pop filter), so thats not it, unless they screwed the capsule on backwards from the face of the mic (which has led me to turn it on and sing into it backwards just in case :) )

ill post a vocal track asap. thanks for the input
but first i apparently need to shoot my neighbor and his god damn lawn mower, because it seems they want to be in my recordings too
ok i think the problem was my mic levels were too low. i had the knobs a bit passed half way when i was having the problem. now i cranked them almost all the way up and leaned back on the loud parts and it sounds way closer. it pays to know how to use your equipment :o