mr8 beeping


New member
First off, hello to everyone on the forum. This is my first post.

I am at wits end. I bought an mr8 a couple of weeks ago. Just yesterday I was recording and somehow (by a mistake I may have made), a beeping noise has appeared which comes on only when I record a track. It doesn't beep when I have the track and record buttons pressed to practice the track without recording. After I record and play back the track, the beeping noise is there. I tried reading the manual but that hasn't really helped. I tried to see if it was something with the metronome (since the sound has a 4/4 beat) but that hasn't helped either. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Fear not, you have somehow activated your click track. Don't be afraid of this machine....take the time to scroll through the menu and find the "click level". If it is enabled, it will show a number to indicate the volume. Just left click until it says "off".

Thats what I was thinking (click level is set ). Set the Tempo map to 118 beats a minute and you'll be rolling like a freight train ..
bdbdbuck said:
Fear not, you have somehow activated your click track. Don't be afraid of this machine....take the time to scroll through the menu and find the "click level". If it is enabled, it will show a number to indicate the volume. Just left click until it says "off".

I seem to have the same problem. I went in and looked at the click track and it's set to off, but I hear a faint clicking almost like bleed over on the old decks.

You can hear it near the end of my song located at

Ok, Correction. I listened to the song and I aparently cut it short because of the ticking. I have an email into Fostex on this and determined to find the source of this culprit. ;)
FatBoy_Krawl said:
I seem to have the same problem. I went in and looked at the click track and it's set to off, but I hear a faint clicking almost like bleed over on the old decks.

You can hear it near the end of my song located at

Ok, Correction. I listened to the song and I aparently cut it short because of the ticking. I have an email into Fostex on this and determined to find the source of this culprit. ;)
Ok, are you using batteries? Sometimes, with batteries there is a beeping sound that is tied into the record light blinking off and on, this is a problem, more often than not, I find, when using the internal mic. Sometimes, there is a beeping sound when an external mic is too close to the unit as well.
Thanks for all your suggestions. I went back and reset the mr8. That didn't work so I just went back and reset the metronome and tempo map and whatever I thought was related to rhythm. I don't have the beeping sound anymore. Now it's off to record, record, record.
maraisa said:
Thanks for all your suggestions. I went back and reset the mr8. That didn't work so I just went back and reset the metronome and tempo map and whatever I thought was related to rhythm. I don't have the beeping sound anymore. Now it's off to record, record, record.

Hmmmm, this seems reasonable. I'll have to give this a try and see if it resolves the beeping on mine as well. Perhaps just a glitch where it doesn't realize it's off. ;)
Also understand, even with the click track enabled, when you bounce to 7/8, the click doesn't transfer.
