Mr. & Mrs. Flat-9 Promo #1


New member


Hi folks!

Man, what a JAMFEST @ Tom's last WE.:D :D :D

Please check this out if you got the time. No, not orig @ all .......except for my arrangements on the Roland synths....3 of em'.
We've got some clients & agents up our ass to do a promo cd.............................(dont ya friggin hate em?)

Braggin' wife, Mari nailed this, (BOTH TUNES) on the first friggin take! no shit..............(but my vocals took 3-5's a bitch!!!!!!!!!whatever...... ....This is the very first time for digital recording. She has never been in a studio except for this living room of ours.

Help us out folks, clean??? Distortion on anyones speeks? EQ???
T0 much verb?????


peace to all,
Mr. & Mrs Flat-9 ( Ralph & Mari )
She sings just as sweet as she looks. :)
Ya know I love ya man. So, it`ll be a bit while I take my time on em.

damn, you can think like a guitar player too :cool:

I think the strings on "saved" sound really nice, but in the soft parts I'd some add some doubling delay and take the top edge off a little. The initial attack gain is a bit abrupt and could be enveloped in a little slower. There`s a couple more places where the release could be carried out a little longer and fade them out instead of a fast cut off. The woodwinds are nice. In the bridge when the cellos and strings are full voce its a beautiful sound. I`d compress her voice some more to keep the levels tight and turn her up. The verb sounds nice and authentic but there`s some lows in it that roll around some cuttin the clarity a bit. You did a good harmony, soften it some and blend it with more verb and turn it down a tad. The drum kit and bass sound pretty good, but the kick needs some nutrition and maybe take some highs off it so it dont stick out so much, especially in that parts where the 'comps back off . The piano could come up.
Disclaimer: You know you can always take my suggestions with a grain of salt :)
I`ll run my mouth about the other one in a little bit.

A New Life... very inspirational, and from a very cool wholesome perspective. :)
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Wow! One take on her vox? Amazing!

I particulary like the orchestral dynamics.. great push and pull..

I am listening on pc speakers, so it may be just my end but the lead vocals sound a bit too warm.

Otherwise, fantastic!

Ralph & Mari,

I am not to sure what to make of this. The music sounded like it was generated from a karaoke midi file for a Yamaha Portatone series keyboard. Is this how the music was accomplished? If not, the playing was quite good.

Mari's vocals were sung well but, it might have been a good idea to let her try it again with a little more feeling in her performance. I don't know. I kept seeing a picture in my mind of her singing off a tele-prompter or something?

A little bit of presence could be added to the vocal as well. It sounded a little muted in the top end.

I only listened as far as the first track. It was a huge and slow download that wasn't streaming all that quickly from NoWhereradio's site.

Cheers! :)
'saved' - very nice.. she sings great.. I thought some of the strings would have sounded better using some lower notes.. the higher ones sounded a bit bright.. your backing vocals were a bit iffy.. I would highlight her vocal more.. I have no idea how other than to always make her the loudest thing..

Velvet - the drums sound very machiney and the reverb is not helping.. nice guitar sound.. the drums sound too crisp again.. your backround vocals are a bit iffy here too.. hers are on.. the vocals sound dark tone wise compared to the music that sounds very bright..

shes sings good, but the production could be done better.. nice performances!

must be very cool to have such a musical family! Best of luck man! (and woman) :D
Nice my brother......I think the vox is mixed a little bit too far back in the mix.......might be the EQing but it doesn't cut thru. I'd like a bit less 'verb and a little more presence to the vocals. Maybe boost it up around 3k or so......just a little bit now, not too much......but it would give her voice some 'bite' and the voice is the whole point here........your vox sounds a little loud compared to hers.

Same comments for Black Velvet.......her vox is too dark......almost boomy......not talking about her voice, just the recording. You vox has a lot more presence than hers.
Also I'd like to hear the ride better.

Nice work.......tweak the mix and it should be a very nice demo.
What mic did you use for her? There's a lot of plosives in there, and the tone is too dark. Too much proximity effect. Try backing her off the mic, and crankin' the gain up a bit. Her voice is good!:)

The music mix is a bit crispy. Needs somethin' to warm it up a bit. Opposite problem from the vocals, so they each make the other stand out that much more.
I am a doof-uss..........................
I don't know shit..........


I liked it.......a little on the cannned sounding side of things but I know Ralph played it.....maybe too perfectly...

Too there such a thing that a human can do??

The missus has a great tone to her voice my friend and the playing is perfect..................ya know?
I always liked the tune too :D
The Ghost of FM said:
Ralph & Mari,

I am not to sure what to make of this. The music sounded like it was generated from a karaoke midi file for a Yamaha Portatone series keyboard. Is this how the music was accomplished? If not, the playing was quite good.

Mari's vocals were sung well but, it might have been a good idea to let her try it again with a little more feeling in her performance. I don't know. I kept seeing a picture in my mind of her singing off a tele-prompter or something?

A little bit of presence could be added to the vocal as well. It sounded a little muted in the top end.

I only listened as far as the first track. It was a huge and slow download that wasn't streaming all that quickly from NoWhereradio's site.[/Qoute]

Hey ghost!

Thanks for the listen.
What the hell is a Yamaha Portatone??????

Obviuosly, you are new to this board & have no clue as to my musicianship!

First off, let me say that you were a gentleman in your querry. THANK YOU!

If you were anything less , ...I would ream............. then flame you!!!!!!

That being said, ALL of my music comes from the heart & from years of study!......I actually TRANSCRIBE it!

Do you know what that word means?.........I do a listen to the tune....maybe 10-100 or so times, depending on the harmonic complexities.......then I fucking notate it!...... I start by doing a drums click track............bass, supportive harmonic structure, vocals.......THEN, go back and do the drum fills..........I come to this board to get tweaking advice as to how to improve my recording I am a novice.... but my musicianship is steadfast,firm &........... confirmed...........So , because you are a newbie........I'll be nice to you.

BUT!!! just let me know when ya wanna go nose to nose I'll fuckin deck ya!

Thanks for the listen! Actually, your assumptive comments were quite complimentary!

All in peace.
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Toki987 said:
She sings just as sweet as she looks. :)
Ya know I love ya man. So, it`ll be a bit while I take my time on em.

damn, you can think like a guitar player too :cool:

I think the strings on "saved" sound really nice, but in the soft parts I'd some add some doubling delay and take the top edge off a little. The initial attack gain is a bit abrupt and could be enveloped in a little slower. There`s a couple more places where the release could be carried out a little longer and fade them out instead of a fast cut off. The woodwinds are nice. In the bridge when the cellos and strings are full voce its a beautiful sound. I`d compress her voice some more to keep the levels tight and turn her up. The verb sounds nice and authentic but there`s some lows in it that roll around some cuttin the clarity a bit. You did a good harmony, soften it some and blend it with more verb and turn it down a tad. The drum kit and bass sound pretty good, but the kick needs some nutrition and maybe take some highs off it so it dont stick out so much, especially in that parts where the 'comps back off . The piano could come up.
Disclaimer: You know you can always take my suggestions with a grain of salt :)
I`ll run my mouth about the other one in a little bit.


Thanks ..........You are the 'bed master' & all your suggestions go into the "final take folder".....

'saved' - very nice.. she sings great.. I thought some of the strings would have sounded better using some lower notes.. the higher ones sounded a bit bright.. your backing vocals were a bit iffy.. I would highlight her vocal more.. I have no idea how other than to always make her the loudest thing..

Velvet - the drums sound very machiney and the reverb is not helping.. nice guitar sound.. the drums sound too crisp again.. your backround vocals are a bit iffy here too.. hers are on.. the vocals sound dark tone wise compared to the music that sounds very bright..

shes sings good, but the production could be done better.. nice performances!

must be very cool to have such a musical family! Best of luck man! (and woman) :D

Yeah dude,
I'm hip to the strings & bs drums on the velvet,,,,,,,,not just you, but ALL, including me, Lt, Bob , Mbrane.......etc, etc, etc.....caught me boosting the high end to much!

Shit Sabby,
Where were you last Weekend???You are SO close to Andover, CT!!!!!!!GET YOUR ASS UP THERE NEXT YEAR!!!!WHAT A GREAT JAM!!!!
Cyrokk said:
Wow! One take on her vox? Amazing!

I particulary like the orchestral dynamics.. great push and pull..

I am listening on pc speakers, so it may be just my end but the lead vocals sound a bit too warm.

Otherwise, fantastic!


Thanks dude!

Push & pull considering orchestral crescendos and diminuendos are what assist in coaxing the emotion................which is mandatory!

Thanks, glad you felt it.....It means the world to me!

I'll try to address some of the concerns you asked of me about my review of you and your wife's tunes.

The Yamaha Portatone is a series of portable keyboards that Yamaha manufactures. They have models ranging for under $100.00 to well over $3000.00.

Many of the upper end models have a floppy disc drive that is designed for storing sequenced songs as well as for playing back and playing along with professionally sequenced cover tunes in midi files that can be purchased from any authorized Yamaha music dealer.

Because the playing of your music track seemed so professional and perfect, I aired a thought and enquiry if that was what you had used in the song I listened to.

True. I am a newbie to this forum and I have not had the opportunity to listen to your previous work that you eluded to in your posting to me.

If I have offended you, I do offer my apologies.

As for threatening me with flames and physical violence because of my review of my honest thoughts about your production, I suggest you think twice about that for the simple reason that it is a real world crime to threaten people in that manor and there are real world consequences for doing so, even on a bbs.

If you feel that you must flame me back, feel free to do so but, threaten me again with violence, and I will take action to have you held accountable for threats of physical assault.

Keep up the fine work and best regards to your wife.

Cheers! :)
M.Brane said:
What mic did you use for her? There's a lot of plosives in there, and the tone is too dark. Too much proximity effect. Try backing her off the mic, and crankin' the gain up a bit. Her voice is good!:)

The music mix is a bit crispy. Needs somethin' to warm it up a bit. Opposite problem from the vocals, so they each make the other stand out that much more.

Shit Brain!!!! yeah, "brain" ......'cause you the WORD!

Yeah, plosives abounding w/ the sm58.......but I dont think the 'bridenstiens" , " braculas" are gonna give a shit....hehehehehe.

Sorry I got slammed w/ gigs over the past few mos.....that prevented me from the board for a stretch..........well. ....actually, I'm not sorry......I'm quite pleased w/ the gigs I've been getting! :D :D :D :D


expect a PM soon on unrelated shit,,,,,,,,,,lata
The Ghost of FM said:

I'll try to address some of the concerns you asked of me about my review of you and your wife's tunes.

The Yamaha Portatone is a series of portable keyboards that Yamaha manufactures. They have models ranging for under $100.00 to well over $3000.00.

Many of the upper end models have a floppy disc drive that is designed for storing sequenced songs as well as for playing back and playing along with professionally sequenced cover tunes in midi files that can be purchased from any authorized Yamaha music dealer.

Because the playing of your music track seemed so professional and perfect, I aired a thought and enquiry if that was what you had used in the song I listened to.

True. I am a newbie to this forum and I have not had the opportunity to listen to your previous work that you eluded to in your posting to me.

If I have offended you, I do offer my apologies.

As for threatening me with flames and physical violence because of my review of my honest thoughts about your production, I suggest you think twice about that for the simple reason that it is a real world crime to threaten people in that manor and there are real world consequences for doing so, even on a bbs.

If you feel that you must flame me back, feel free to do so but, threaten me again with violence, and I will take action to have you held accountable for threats of physical assault.

Keep up the fine work and best regards to your wife.

Cheers! :)


Def a newbie:D :D :D

All in fun bro!!!! No need to worry whatsoever re: physical assault...........If you would like to speak to my lawyer........please feel free to contact "chrisharris" @ this board. He'll def set you straight! :D :D :D

Peace & Love to all!
GHOST !!!!

by the way .......I AM a professional..........I scooped ice cream @ Brighams for one summer when I was 16.......didn't dig it @ all..........then, I firmly committed myself to follow my passion!.......guess what? .....It Worked!

SHEEEEEIT! That was 31 years ago! OMG!!!!!!!
The vocal really bothers me.

Can you say pop filter. That would eliminate the boominess. Also a light limiter on the vocal to control the transients. You need to push the 3K area a couple of db.

Run a 2nd vocal track push the 4K area about 5 db very narrow Q. Put this through a compress at 6:1 -10db threshold attack fast, release longer. Bring this whole track up slightly under the original.

The vocal would pop out more.

There are some other issues but this should keep you busy. I liked her voice very much but it sounds like the headphones for tracking were too low in volume for her voice and she went flat in a couple of place as a result.
Gotta post my reply here........I was a bit breif in the e-mail. I think Mari could sing opera if she wanted to. She has very good control and a very strong voice. Actually, I didn't realize you two gigged together............ I couldn't do that with my uh..... better half. You get EXTRA points just for that! Of course, the keys are flawless as usual. Mix comments have already been covered by others who are far more qualified than me. Damn.... all that from a $100 Yamaha?

perhaps I failed to mention as well, as it`s almost a usual given thing with Dr Funaro :) , "the tracking of the parts is wickedly fukkin awesomely amazing".
Lt. Bob said:
Nice my brother......I think the vox is mixed a little bit too far back in the mix.......might be the EQing but it doesn't cut thru. I'd like a bit less 'verb and a little more presence to the vocals. Maybe boost it up around 3k or so......just a little bit now, not too much......but it would give her voice some 'bite' and the voice is the whole point here........your vox sounds a little loud compared to hers.

Same comments for Black Velvet.......her vox is too dark......almost boomy......not talking about her voice, just the recording. You vox has a lot more presence than hers.
Also I'd like to hear the ride better.

Nice work.......tweak the mix and it should be a very nice demo.

Hey Steve,

Yup......only thing missin' from the 'fest' last week WAS your presence!!!!!!What a Jam!!!!!!! You & Crawdad" better git on it next time 'round"..........

I'm hip to your EQ, presence & SM58 "BOOMINE1SS". Truly appreciated my brother............What's your fav condensor mic for vocals?

Remember, I have 5 kids......, I'll go $300. but not 'one large'.......for the Shania sound! SHEEEEEIT!!!!!! Did you know that she's in bed w/ Antares????????( yeah, autotune all the way...........................friggin crushed me!