Mr. Gerst - Mic Guy Extraodinaire...


New member
Were you serious about testing that Radio Shack mic?

I saw it last time I was in the store and thought it seemed pretty flimsy and cheesy. I couldn't imagine such a small and unsubstatial looking mic could stand up to the powerful thud of a kick drum, but hey, look at me, I bought a pair of omni test mics for $70!

I thought there was a possibility you were joking, but after the ECM's, I thought it might be best to check...


Yes, I'm serious. I paid my $49 for the mic and I'm gonna put it next to the Sennheiser 604 (which is what it's similar to, even down to the rim mounting system). I'm gonna be mixing for the next few days, so I probably won't be able to do much mic testing till the first of the year.

After that, I probably won't do any more mic testing, but I will post here if I find some great cheapy bargain that's been overlooked.

I promised Mark McQuilken that I would post my findings on the FMR RNMP, and I still owe Zekeman a review on the AKG C3000B (and get his mic back to him), a review on the Radio Shack mic, and a final test on the Behringer ECM8000's.
No Niels,

It just means that I'll get one out of the first batch shipped, to see if I spot any problems Mark may have overlooked.
Well, I didn't ever start out to review or test anything. While we were talking about the first compilation set a few years back, Neumann just released the TLM103 mic and I got one of the first units from Fletcher at Mercenary Audio.

Since we were getting bombarded with questions about the 103 on r.a.p, I decided to use the 103 on every acoustic instrument and vocal track on my compilation entry. That covered 3 different acoustic guitars, fiddle, mandolin, main vocal, and 3 backup singers.

Around the same time, I was pretty vocal about not liking the AKG C3000 and the C1000, and to a lesser extent some of the new Rodes, Oktavas, ATs, and some other mic companies. Taylor Johnson of the Sound Room contacted me and asked me to listen to the whole line, out of which, I found a couple of real winners - the MC012 and the MC012 with the Lomo head. I posted my findings on r.a.p., and apparently it was of interest to others who tried them and agreed with me.

After I spoke disparagingly about the Marshall mics, someone called me on it, and I admitted that I hadn't heard them. At the AES show, I introduced myself to Brent Casey and asked if I could test the mics. He agreed, and again, out of the whole line, I found what I believed to be some real winners, and I posted what I found out on r.a.p..

Alan asked me to listen to the SP line, and I posted my findings here. But even though I've designed a lot of electronic products, and have some familiarity with testing, I really don't want to be in the testing business.

I'll continue to look for bargains and post when it's a good deal, but I really don't have the time or the equipment to do full blown testing of any products. Don't panic, I'm not dropping out, I just wanna have a little more leeway and not make pronouncements etched in granite.