MR-8 CF matrix spreadsheet


New member
Can anyone tell how we can create a spreadsheet in this post area in which we can input CF data of workinkg cards for the MR-8?

This is what I'm thinking for headings:

Mem Card Name Manufacturer Speed Records Bounce Price Comments
w/o w/o
Problems Problems

Please let us know how to do it. This way will save time for newcomers and everyone when searching for a working CF card for the MR-8. In the comments are we could write information on where to buy such cards.

I'll appreciate your help. :D

unfortunately that info changes all the time. sources run out or discontinue really quickly, then we've been ordering a card and we get 3 different packages/labeling for it. It could have 3 different manufacturers coming for us ordering from the same place.

It's really odd, kind of sucks, but I'd say the best bet now, and I myself would definitely try it if I wasn't waiting for a replacement from a prior order.... The best bet would be the Fostex online accessory site. They now sell a 512mb for about $122. So I wouldn't think they would sell one that's incompatible, but stranger things have happened. :)

I'd like to know if anyone has gotten that card yet???? And BOUNCED 6 tracks to 2. Also, what card is it? They don't say the brand...........

If the replacement card I get this week isn't perfect, it's going back for refund and I'll be ordering from Fostex........
That's the beauty of having a matrix like this. As CF card get discontinued it will be posted as such in the comment area thus saving time to possible buyers. It will provide means to input current info on CF cards in a compact and easy readable format. It surely will beat having to read a zillion post to find at the end that the first message is no longer valid for a particular CF card. How hard can it be? How many CF card vendors are out there...20,40,60? Not that many!