MR-8 Buzz


New member
Hello fellow home recording people!This is my first post.Here goes..I find that my Tascam porta-one is shot ,and I have the bug to get back in the recording mode again.I am sold on fostex due to this groups buzz.The MR-8 seems to be the hot machine for a lot of folks on a tight budget [like me].But Im thinking that I need the VF-80 because I tend to put together long drawn out blues stuff.Ten minute songs with six or eight parts.Im thinking that the MR-8 would have me shuffling between the PC and the recorder because of the limited storage.I sure could use some advice.

That should fit on a 512MB cf card ! Prices are coming down.
Of cource, I'm a mr-8 owner and need friends !
You might want to wait just a little bit before making your decision. It seems that the 512 MB is dropping in price and that would afford you 12 minutes/track, for 8 tracks, in high quality mode.
However, I do feel that that MR 8 works best in conjunction with a computer, so that might be a factor in your decision as well.
Of course, if you don't mind a little "shuffling", you basically have unlimited tracks (limited only by your computer's ability to handle multiple tracks, I tried 37 tracks on mine and the computer just sort of laughed at me lol)
What ever your decision, take your time and decide what is right for you, because you'll be the person sitting there with the stuff, trying to get a recording finished, after all is said and done.
(and if you do choose the MR 8, you couldn't have found a better place, and more helpful people if you tried. Every time I had any questions, they all went way out of their way to help, and encourage me. That alone, to me, was worth buying the MR 8 alone, not even considering anything else!)
I'm an MR-8 owner, but considering Fostex' track record, the VF-80 should be a great product, as well. The main difference between the two (besides 'bells and whistles') is that the MR-8 makes it easier to share tracks with a computer, while the VF allows you to hold more data on board.

It all comes doen to how you plan on working. I'd blow my brains out if I couldn't move stuff back and forth to the computer with ease, but you may feel the same way if you finally get a great solo going and get a "Card Full" error...

What's great about this group of users is that people are into so many different styles of music, and are very supportive of questions about mics, drum machines, computer software, etc. that apply to any recorder.
MR-8 Revisited

Thanks fpr the advice folks.I printed out the manuals for the VF-80 and the MR-8 ,and I will continue to study them.I suspect that the MR-8 is the best machine for me if I can learn to deal with the shuffling between the MR-8 and the PC.This is the thing that concerns me.It was so simple on the old four track tape machine.Keep on....
Once you understand what's going on when you transfer information back and forth it becomes very easy, in fact, to me, it just opens up what is possible with this machine, there is no wrong take, in essece, you can do whatever strikes your fancy, just to see what might work. And you never have to worry that you just erased the "right" take.