mr 8 and n track

dave in toledo

New member
just started using n track with .wav files from mr 8, man is this thing cool, i think im in love, any words of wisdom from you n trackers out there?
Words of wisdom

If you are caught (so I am told) crossposting, they will violate your manhood, and excommunicate you to some horrible radio shack discussion board.

I don't know what the big deal is, if the post is applicable to two forums, but they say that it is wrong , and it gobbles up bandwidth , and it hurts their feelings , and they then need to be consoled ,

I should probably stop now...

Is crossposting putting the same exact post in more than one catagory?
Yes that is what crossposting is.

When I typed that the other night, I was being forced at gunpoint to consume alcoholic beverages, I'd like to add. It was funny at the time...
I always tell everyone this who uses n-track. These two companies should pay me I have given them so many plugs.

Two of the best things that I have added to n-track:
anwida reverb (awesome reverb that is free) (great soft knee compressor)

i downloades the files and will try them tonight, thanks again, its help like this that same alot of time searching throug plugins to find one that are good