MR-16 Problem


New member
Hi Everybody

I don't know if somebody has had this problem before but here goes. Within the last couple of weeks, I have found my burn offs start to crackle about three minutes in, no matter what order the songs, always three minutes into first song. I have run a lens cleaner, and tried sveral different brands of cd-r, no luck. I fear the lens or drive is screwed, but maybe there is fix.Any response would be much appreciated.
Re-check your original recordings and see if they are clean.. when people record a guitar or an outside keyboard they are some noise issues. Also make sure your tracks are all cleaned up no excess hum or space before the actually recording begins, sometimes after burn will increase these artifacts on the CD.. Second check to see if your internal effects are turned off, sometimes I realize I might have distortion turn on a little and its suppose to be off