mpx 100 > Q10 > Sonar/insert & Aux bus ?


New member

I'd like to try using my Lexicon rverb and am not sure of the best way to apply the effect?

Should it be used through the insert in the back of the Q10, and is this how to utilize the aux bus in Sonar? I think, from reading here, that it is better to aux bus or side band the effect so it is not so overbearing and more supple. Can anyone give their suggestions including hardware/software setup and or a link?

If it were me, I would...

1) track without reverb
2) run an out from your Q-10 to your Lexicon
3) run outs from the Lexicon back into the Q-10 on different channels (probably stereo)
4) record onto the new tracks while solo'ing the track you're adding reverb to

This way if you want to tweak the reverb later, you don't have to re-track.
Thanks I'll give it a shot. Anymore ideas, I'm willing to try long as it doesn't involve feet.