MPD24 w/PC Apps Vs. MPC1000

The REAL Jigsaw

New member
I've been reading up about the MPD24 controller. Does anyone know how that mixed with software compare to an MPC1000?

I'm looking for an overall comparison, like getting the best bang for your buck. thanks.
It's not as simple as you make it sound.

The MPC1000 is a standalone midi sequencer, sampler and performance unit all in one while the 'MPD24 with software' requires toting a computer along every time you want to play outside your home base with all the fragility and instability that a computer brings with it.

If you are working on a project that will never require mobility I would go with the flexibility and expandability of the 'MPD24 w/PC apps' option.

But if you can ever envision a time when you might want to take your music a-travelin', I strongly recommend you start with the all-in-one MPC1000. With the 2.0 software released earlier this year you can get a $40 caddy and mount up to an 80 gigybyte hard drive inside the MPC. Once you get to know it well you'll be flying.

I have both and prefer the simple, bullet-proof approach of the MPC over the frustration of working with even the best software. The ability to store data on a PC or Mac makes it doubly useful and the ability to process stuff inside the computer and then put it into the MPC for performance doubles it again.