MPC2000XL and wich buddy?


New member
Hi there..

I have a small setup (enough for me) a turntable - mixer - MPC2000XL - ????

I want to record my sequences, I now record on my computer but it just doesnt work for me..I want a stand alone 4-8track recorder. But with the option of usb connection/Smartmedia-compachtflash storage..
so that I can transfer my songs to the computer voor burning on a cd..

My max amount of money is around 300-400 euro (dollars).. If been lokking @ the Fostex MR-8 but in europe this baby cost around 500 euro..

then there is also the Zoom MRS-4.. but it records an 16 bit/32KHZ.. does the 32khz really affect the recording quality? I make hip hop (with samples from old records) so my tracks aint sparkling bright (kinda grimey)

I am totally guys have some advice for me?



no I am sorry..I only got a Edirol usb audio card..I Like the Fostex:(

But is 32KHZ really that lbad compared with 44.1khz..

is the MRS-4 for my needs a quality device..or should I save up for the Fostex Mr-8
Don't buy that rubbish Zoom thing. You'll grow out of it as your ears get trained and you'll never get your money back. Either find a second hand MR8 or wait until you can afford a new one. Look at the London music store websites; MR8's are a bit of a drug on the market right now and you might find one from here, including shipping, within your budget if you stretch a bit.

Otherwise hopefully others will suggest better ideas. Just don't buy Zoom - its gimmicky crap.
thnx men!! I'll save up for the've been a good help..I think I needed the word combination Zoom & crap haha
