Mpc Vs Mp-7

Dooggg Ya lost me
I think you got sequencer and sounds mixed up with one another. They're to seperate sections. And Yes yes yes It has a built in multitrack sequencer.
on that pop tip

I've been doing some tracks for theese kids called the BIG SHOT's...there more on a pop/hiphop tip....and a A&R person from Arista (I think thats right) likes it if you what to check out some of my tracks goto

and another cat I've been working with has a str8 eastcoast style but I'm from St. Louis so I had to do it Midwest style...and theres alot of people whos feeling it...

but let me know what you think
cflow said:
Dooggg Ya lost me
I think you got sequencer and sounds mixed up with one another. They're to seperate sections. And Yes yes yes It has a built in multitrack sequencer.

I'm saying that since you won't be saving actual sounds, the space needed to save stuff would be better suited to floppy disks.
Come on Trak
you and i know that having a lot of floppy disk with unfinished songs that should have been finished and saved to a cassette tape, dat or cd is a set back.
Nah dogg, having to go from store to store with sales reps lookin at u funny and askin u "flash??? what's that???" - now that's a set back.
Originally posted by cflow
The MP-7 is also a Flash sound module and they are way more dependable than hard-disk or cd-rom's Trust me.

So? I said that it only saved to Flash. You claimed I didn't know what I was talking about. Now please tell me to what other device it saves to.

If it doesn't, I was correct, and you owe me an apology.
IMO it more of a sound module than anything else...well with pads and a sequencer...but skip the last part...forget saving anything I'ma do everything on my mpc...

I know this goes against everything in my other post but oh well
Rassizzm said:
IMO it more of a sound module than anything else...well with pads and a sequencer...

I agree with that Rassizzm, that's exactly what it is... well 2 sound modules...
yamaha rs7000 looks interesting...

Forget the mp 7,check the yamaha rs7000!
This rs7000 looks to actually be a real conteneder here, for real.
Also the yamaha motif lokes dope as well. I like yamaha because theyre so bad at marketing theyre stuff that you can usually find it on ebay for much cheaper 2 years later. On the otherhand rolands
dont depreciate quite so nicely. Now, if this rs7000 lives up to what it seems, then Id say it could have the mpc FADED perhaps.
This is something worth buying Id think, as is the motif. The rs7000 is like a nmp-7 and mpc2000 rolled onto one almost.

emu fucked up on this one. They took the mo phatt turbo module and stuck it in a box with pads and knobs. The thing to bear in mind is that this is neither VA or a sampler. Its your average rompler with pads and knobs.
To compare it to an mpc is a joke. Its more like a roland mc 505, but in a bigger box.

If emu was smart they would have stuck an esi 2000 in the box instead of a rompler. If theydve done that then the mpc could have been outclassedprobably.Otherwise the mo phatt is going for like $650 these days.
Anway's who cares about emu when yamaha is making some cool stuff. First they made the a series samplers, now the rs7000!
If I had an mpc already Id just get the module and use the money I saved to rustle up a used access virus or nord modular.
Yo Regebro
I will not apologize ,but I do [REGRET] me even saying that.
P.S. To all of the rest of you. Just Wait
Re: yamaha rs7000 looks interesting...

Yes it does, but where is the separate outs? And do I want the synth section? The MPC2000XL seems to be closer to my home yet. :)
Another flash memory unit???

OK where do these manufacturers get their market research???
First off, it only has the MoPhatt sound set, not the P2K, they just mean it has the same engine (all emu modules just about do). Second, the Flash expansions are fo adding new sound sets (that emu sells or ones you create using an Ultra sampler), e.g. Protozoa.
This thing is not competition for the MPC. The biggest selling point for the MPC besides the tight sequencer is that you can customize your drums, totally. You're not stuck to onboard sounds. So to have ANY groove box that doesn't sample is ludicrous.
I agree, stick an ESI2000 (which is what Akai did with the S2000, sticking a bare bones version in the MPC) into a box with a sequencer and a 16MB soundset and you'd have a great box. But the sequencers in the ASRXs, MP7s, etc all stink.
Oh, and Emu's modules are great. The only synth I've liked from Yamaha is the EX5/7.