Moving insert effect from one slot to another?


New member
Here's another question I have for all you helpful Cubase experts.....

Is it possible to move an insert effect from one slot to another?

Here's a typical situation...

I want to apply some compression and some EQ to to an audio track, but I'd like to mess aound with the routings a bit, so I can compare the results of the compression BEFORE the EQ with the results of the compression AFTER the EQ.

In Logic, I'd just shuffle the insert slots around, but I haven't found a way to do this in Cubase. Is it possible?

Thanks again

You can't just drag the effect to another slot (I wish you could). You can save the plugins settings, close it and remove it from the current slot, then open the effect in a different slot and open the settings that you saved.
Open the file, move, add, delete inserts to your hearts content. Just don't save the file. When you close it and it asks if you want to save the changes, say No. Everything will revert back to its original state and be as it originally was when you open it again next time.
Yeah, that's what I thought. I was hoping there was a way to just drag the effects from one slot to another, but I guess not.


What you can do is simply record onto a new clean track, and then drag the audio data to the track with the inserts. Just rename the track and your done.

What I find more anoying is that I can't change the order of the inserts. If I start out with an EQ on slot 1, but later decide I want a compressor in front of that, I'm screwed.
tamky said:
Open the file, move, add, delete inserts to your hearts content. Just don't save the file. When you close it and it asks if you want to save the changes, say No. Everything will revert back to its original state and be as it originally was when you open it again next time.

? is this a language difference thing?

Halion said:
What you can do is simply record onto a new clean track, and then drag the audio data to the track with the inserts. Just rename the track and your done.

What I find more anoying is that I can't change the order of the inserts. If I start out with an EQ on slot 1, but later decide I want a compressor in front of that, I'm screwed.

I'm pretty sure that's what he wanted to do, rearrange effects to different slots. It is kind of annoying. Maybe in the next version......
I don't get why they haven't implemented this yet. Wavelab, you can do it. Cubase, nope. The best thing to do (and this is pretty good cubase practice btw) is just get used to saving all your effects settings as FXPs
I guess it has to do with the way the engine handles audio and effects. Like, you also can't make a stereo track mono or the other way arround ones you've created it. Ofcourse you can make a stereo track mono by using some kind of plugin, or merging the left and right channels but there no switch button.